Ohio Gov. Bar. R. 6
From the time a formal complaint has been filed with the Board, the complaint and all subsequent proceedings conducted and documents filed in connection with the complaint shall be public except as follows:
A party to a matter pending before the Board may file a motion requesting that the Board restrict public access to all or a portion of a document filed with the Board. Additionally, the chairperson of a hearing panel may request that the Board restrict public access to all or a portion of a document filed with the Board. In considering the motion or request, the Board chairperson shall apply the standards set forth in Sup. R. 45(E). If the Board chairperson finds that public access to a document should be restricted, the order shall direct the use of the least restrictive means available, including but not limited to redaction of the information rather than limiting access to the entire document.
A party to a matter pending before the Board shall be responsible for omitting personal identifiers from a case document filed with the Board, consistent with Sup. R. 45(D). As used in this rule, "personal identifiers" and "case document" shall have the same meaning as in Sup. R. 44.
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this rule, the respondent's reply to allegations of the unauthorized practice of law, made during the course of an investigation by a certified unauthorized practice of law committee, disciplinary counsel or the Attorney General, shall be furnished to the complainant without waiving any other right to confidentiality provided by this rule. If the respondent specifically requests, in writing, to the certified unauthorized practice of law committee, disciplinary counsel or the Attorney General that the reply not be furnished to the complainant, the certified unauthorized practice of law committee, disciplinary counsel or the Attorney General shall not furnish the reply to the complainant. Release to the complainant of the respondent's reply is, nevertheless, encouraged and consistent with the liberal construction of this rule for the protection of the public.
Except as otherwise provided in this section or in rules adopted by the Court, documents and records pertaining to the administration and finances of the Board, including budgets, reports, and records of income and expenditures, shall be made available, upon request, as provided in Sup. R. 45.
Ohio. Gov. Bar. R. 6