Section 27 - Applicability of Rules; Special Service; Construction of Rule(A) Applicability of Rules. The Board and hearing panels shall follow the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure and the Ohio Rules of Evidence wherever practicable unless a specific provision of this rule or Board hearing procedures and guidelines provides otherwise.(B) Clerk is Agent for Service of Notices on Nonresident Judicial Officer or Attorney. Any nonresident of this state, having been admitted as an attorney by the rules of the Supreme Court, or any resident of this state, having been admitted as an attorney by the rules of the Supreme Court, who subsequently becomes a nonresident or conceals his or her whereabouts, by such admission to the practice of law within this state makes the clerk of the Supreme Court his or her agent for the service of any notice provided for in any proceeding instituted against such judicial officer or attorney, pursuant to this rule.(C) Rule to be Liberally Construed. The process and procedure under this rule and regulations approved by the Supreme Court shall be as summary as reasonably may be. Amendments to any notice, answer, objections, report, or order to show cause may be made at any time prior to final order of the Supreme Court. The party affected by an amendment shall be given reasonable opportunity to meet any new matter presented. No investigation or procedure shall be held to be invalid by reason of any nonprejudicial irregularity or for any error not resulting in a miscarriage of justice. This rule and regulations relating to investigation and proceedings involving complaints of misconduct and petitions for reinstatement shall be construed liberally for the protection of the public, the courts, and the legal profession and shall apply to all pending investigations and complaints so far as may be practicable and to all future investigations, complaints, and petitions whether the conduct involved occurred prior or subsequent to the amendment of this rule. To the extent that application of this amended rule to pending proceedings may not be practicable, the regulations in force at the time this amended rule became effective shall continue to apply.