Section 2 - Jurisdiction and Powers of the Board(A) Exclusive Jurisdiction. Except as otherwise expressly provided in rules adopted by the Supreme Court, all grievances involving alleged misconduct by judicial officers or attorneys, proceedings with regard to the alleged mental illness, alcohol and other drug abuse, or disorder of a judicial officer or attorney, proceedings for the discipline of judicial officers, attorneys, persons under suspension or on probation, and proceedings for the reinstatement to the practice of law shall be brought, conducted, and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this rule. The Board shall have authority to certify, recertify, and decertify grievance committees in accordance with Section 5 of this rule.(B) Hearing Authority. The Board shall receive evidence, preserve the record, make findings, and submit recommendations to the Supreme Court as follows: (1) Concerning complaints of misconduct that are alleged to have been committed by a judicial officer, an attorney, a person under suspension from the practice of law or a person on probation;(2) Concerning the mental illness, alcohol and other drug abuse, or disorder of any judicial officer or attorney;(3) Relating to petitions for reinstatement as an attorney;(4) Upon reference by the Supreme Court of conduct by a judicial officer or an attorney affecting any proceeding under this rule, where the acts allegedly constitute a contempt of the Supreme Court or a breach of these rules but did not take place in the presence of the Supreme Court or a member of the Supreme Court, whether by willful disobedience of any order or judgment of the Supreme Court or the Board, by interference with any officer of the Supreme Court in the prosecution of any duty, or otherwise. This rule shall not limit or affect the plenary power of the Supreme Court to impose punishment for either contempt or breach of these rules committed in its presence, or the plenary power of any other court for contempt committed in its presence.(C) Subpoenas. The Board may issue subpoenas and cause testimony to be taken under oath before disciplinary counsel, a certified grievance committee, hearing panel, or the Board. Each subpoena shall be issued in the name and under the seal of the Supreme Court and shall be signed by the director, Board chair, Board vice-chair, or chair of a hearing panel and served as provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure. Witness fees and mileage shall be as provided in R.C. 2335.06. The refusal or neglect of a person subpoenaed as a witness to obey a subpoena, attend, be sworn or affirm, or to answer any proper question shall be considered a contempt of the Supreme Court and punishable accordingly.(D) Advisory Opinions. The Board may issue nonbinding advisory opinions in response to prospective or hypothetical questions directed to the Board regarding the application of the Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio, the Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Judiciary of Ohio, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, the Code of Judicial Conduct, or the Attorney's Oath of Office.(E) Regulations. The Board shall have authority to adopt regulations consistent with this rule. Proposed regulations and amendments to existing regulations shall be published for comment prior to adoption in a manner consistent with rule amendments proposed by the Supreme Court, and adopted regulations shall be published in the same manner as rules adopted by the Supreme Court. The regulations shall include the following provisions: (1) Procedures for regularly reviewing the performance of certified grievance committees, identifying certified grievance committees that are not in compliance with the standards set forth in this rule, and for decertifying a certified grievance committee that fails to improve its performance after being notified of noncompliance;(2) Time guidelines for the processing of disciplinary cases pending before the Board and panels of the Board;(3) Procedures for the issuance of advisory opinions.Amended September 9, 2020, effective 11/1/2020.