Section 4 - Bar Examiners; Readers(A) The Board of Bar Examiners shall be appointed by the Court and shall consist of eighteen members of the bar of Ohio in good standing. The term of office of each bar examiner shall be five years, beginning the first day of November immediately following the appointment. No bar examiner shall be appointed to more than two full terms of office. Vacancies for any cause shall be filled by appointment by the Court for the unexpired term. Such partial term appointment shall not count toward the two-term limit. Each year, the Court shall designate one bar examiner as Chair of the Board and one bar examiner as Vice-Chair of the Board. The Director of Attorney Services or the Director's designee shall serve as secretary of the Board.(B) The Board shall be responsible for examination of applicants for admission to the practice of law in Ohio. Subject to the Court's approval, the Board may promulgate rules and adopt procedures to aid in the administration and conduct of the examination, which may include resolution of allegations related to testing irregularities.(C)(1) A bar examiner shall devote the time necessary to perform the duties of the office.(2) A bar examiner shall be conscientious, studious, thorough, and diligent in considering, developing, and implementing sound testing and grading procedures; in preparing the Ohio Law Component and in seeking to improve the administration of the examination, including resolution of allegations related to testing irregularities.(3) A bar examiner shall be just and impartial in performing the duties of the office.(4) A bar examiner should not have adverse interests, conflicting duties, or inconsistent obligations that will in any way interfere or appear to interfere with the proper administration of the bar examiner's duties. A bar examiner shall not participate directly or indirectly in courses for the preparation of applicants for bar admission or act as a trustee, administrator, professor, adjunct professor, or instructor for a law school or for a university of which a law school is a part, or with which a law school is affiliated. The conduct of a bar examiner shall be such that there may be no suspicion that the bar examiner's judgment may be swayed by improper considerations.(D) The secretary of the Board shall notify the Chief Justice and the Administrative Director of the Court if a bar examiner misses three meetings of the Board within a twelve-month period. Upon such notice, the Administrative Director shall inform the Justices of the Court in order that the Justices may consider the replacement of the bar examiner.(E) The Court will select readers to assist with grading the written portion of the Ohio bar examination. Readers shall be members of the bar of Ohio in good standing and satisfy the same standards of conduct as those required of bar examiners, to the extent those standards are applicable to readers. Readers shall not be related by blood, marriage, adoption, or domestic partnership to the bar examiner with whom they are assigned to grade. The Board shall train and supervise the readers.Effective: 2/28/1972; amended effective 10/30/1972; 11/27/1972; 3/19/1973; 11/12/1973; 3/1/1974; 7/8/1974; 4/26/1976; 1/24/1977; 3/9/1977; 8/1/1977; 1/1/1982; 3/9/1983; 7/1/1983; 5/7/1984; 5/28/1984; 12/31/1984; 4/1/1987; 5/6/1987; 1/1/1989; 7/1/1989; 1/1/1991; 2/1/1991; 10/1/1991; 2/1/1992; 5/1/1992; 7/1/1992; 8/1/1992; 1/1/1993; 9/15/1993; 1/1/1995; 5/1/1997; 8/3/1998; 6/1/2000; 10/1/2000; 2/1/2003; 10/1/2003; 2/1/2007; 5/1/2007; 10/1/2007; 1/1/2008; 2/1/2009; 8/1/2010; 1/1/2013; 1/1/2014, 7/1/2014; 1/1/2015; 1/1/2017; 7/1/2017; 9/2/2019; amended April 4, 2020, effective 6/1/2020; amended March 2, 2021, effective 3/2/2021; amended October 15, 2024, effective 10/15/2024 .