Rule 19 - Form of briefs and other papers(A) General Requirements for all briefs. Except as otherwise provided in this rule, briefs shall conform strictly to App.R. 19. (1) Briefs shall be either typewritten or printed by standard typographic or other mechanical printing process in at least a twelve point type. A brief must be set in a plain, roman style, although italics or boldface may be used for emphasis. Case names must be italicized or underlined.(2) Briefs shall be double spaced except for quoted matter, headings, and assignments of error, which shall be single spaced.(3) The copies of the brief must be bound in any manner that is secure, does not obscure the text, and permits the brief to lie reasonably flat when open. The Court encourages the use of staples to bind the brief. Paper or plastic covers shall not be used.(4) Footnotes should be limited to information that supplements the text, but would otherwise be distracting in the body of the brief. Footnotes must be double spaced and appear in the same size font as the text in the body of the brief.(5) Briefs should minimize use of the terms "appellant" and "appellee" but should use the parties' actual names or descriptive terms (for example, "the injured person," "the employer," or "the administrator").(6) Briefs should not use the names of minors or individual victims or contain personal identifiers. See Sup.R. 45.(B) Length of Brief. A party may choose from one of the following options to determine the appropriate length of the party's brief.(1) Page Limit. Appellant's and appellee's briefs shall not exceed 30 pages. Appellant's reply brief shall not exceed ten pages. Page numbering shall begin on the page containing the statement of the assignments of error, shall continue on the pages containing the statement of the case, statement of the facts, argument, and conclusion, and shall end on the page containing the certificate of service.(2) Word Count. Appellant's and appellee's briefs shall not exceed 9,000 words. Appellant's reply brief shall not exceed 3,000 words. (a) Included words. Headings, footnotes, and quotations count toward the word limitation. The cover page, table of contents, table of authorities, certificate of service, certificate of compliance, and appendix do not count toward the limitation.(b) Any brief prepared under the word count provision must be printed with all text, including footnotes, appearing in Times New Roman or Georgia with at least a 14-point typeface.(c) Certificate of compliance. A brief submitted under this section must include a certificate, signed by the attorney or unrepresented party, that the brief complies with the word count limitation. The person preparing the certificate may rely on the word or line count of the word-processing system used to prepare the brief. The certificate must state the number of words in the brief, as calculated under section (a). The following certificate may be used: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE
I certify that this Brief complies with the word-count provision set forth in Ninth District Local Rule 19(B)(2). This Brief is printed using Times New Roman or Georgia 14-point typeface using _______________ word processing software and contains _________words.
(C) Other Papers. The formatting requirements set forth in subsection (A) in this Local Rule also apply to other papers filed in the court, including but not limited to motions and applications.Adopted eff. 2/11/2017; amended eff. 1/1/2022.