Ohio Jud. Cond. R. 2.11
Ohio. Jud. Cond. R. 2.11
[1] Under this rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless of whether any of the specific provisions of divisions (A)(1) to (6) apply. A judge's knowledge that a lawyer, law firm, or litigant in a proceeding contributed to the judge's election campaign within the limits set forth in Rules 4.4(J) and (K), or publicly supported the judge in the campaign, does not, in and of itself, disqualify the judge.
[2] A judge's obligation not to hear or decide matters in which disqualification is required applies regardless of whether a motion to disqualify is filed.
[3] The rule of necessity may override the rule of disqualification. For example, a judge might be required to participate in judicial review of a judicial salary statute or might be the only judge available in a matter requiring immediate judicial action, such as a hearing on probable cause or a temporary restraining order. In matters that require immediate action, the judge must disclose on the record the basis for possible disqualification and make reasonable efforts to transfer the matter to another judge as soon as practicable.
[4] The fact that a lawyer in a proceeding is affiliated with a law firm with which a relative of the judge is affiliated does not itself disqualify the judge. If, however, the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned under division (A), or the relative is known by the judge to have an interest in the law firm that could be substantially affected by the proceeding under division (A)(2)(c), the judge's disqualification is required.
[5] A judge should disclose on the record information that the judge believes the parties or their lawyers might reasonably consider relevant to a possible motion for disqualification, even if the judge believes there is no basis for disqualification.
Comparison to Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct
Rule 2.11 is comparable to Ohio Canons 3(E) and (F) with the exception of Rule 2.11(A)(5), which has no comparable provision in the Ohio Code.
Comparison to ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct
With two exceptions, Rule 2.11 is comparable to Model Rule 2.11. Division (A)(4), relative to the disqualification of a judge who receives a campaign contribution in excess of a specific amount, is not adopted, in part because Rule 4.4 contains what are considered reasonable contribution limits applicable to individuals and organizations, including parties, lawyers, and law firms.
Division (A)(6) is new language that addresses disqualification when a judge's spouse has previously acted as a judge in the same proceeding. This provision is comparable to Ohio Canon 3(E)(1)(d) (iii) but is not found in the Model Code.
Comment [1] is modified to remove a reference to the fact that some jurisdictions use interchangeably the terms "recusal" and "disqualification" and to indicate that the mere receipt of a campaign contribution within the permissible limits set forth in Rule 4.4 is not grounds for disqualification. Comment [6] is stricken because it merely restates the definition of "economic interest" found in the Terminology section.