N.D. R. Crim. P. 11
N.D. R. Crim. P. 11
Joint Procedure Committee Minutes of April 29, 2021. pages__; September 30, 2021, pages 10- 12; January 25, 2018, page 8; January 28-29, 2016, page 7; April 23-24, 2015, page 14; January 29-30, 2015, page 23; January 31-February 1, 2013, page 12; September 27, 2012, pages 18-21; January 29-30, 2009, pages 11-13, 19-20; April 27-28, 2006, pages 2-5, 15-17; September 22-23, 2005, pages 17-18; September 23-24, 2004, pages 5-9; April 29-30, 2004, pages 28-30; January 26-27, 1995, pages 5-6; September 29-30, 1994, pages 2-4; April 28-29, 1994, pages 10-12; April 20, 1989, page 4; December 3, 1987, page 15; June 22, 1984, pages 11-16; April 26, 1984, pages 2-3; April 26-27, 1979, pages 4-7; May 25-26, 1978, pages 31-34; March 16-17, 1978, page 20; January 12-13, 1978, pages 5-6; January 10, 1977, page 4; April 24-26, 1973, pages 8-9; December 11-15, 1972, page 43; May 11-12, 1972, pages 2-6; November 18-20, 1971, pages 34-38; September 17-18, 1970, pages 1-6; May 3-4, 1968, page 9.
Rule 11 was amended, effective 3/1/1986; 3/1/1990; 3/1/1996; 3/1/2006; 6/1/2006; 3/1/2010; 3/1/2016; amended by Order dated December 22, 2016 effective 3/1/2017; 3/1/2019; The explanatory note was amended, effective 3/1/2022.
Rule 11 is similar to Fed.R.Crim.P. 11. The rule is designed to accomplish a number of objectives: (1) it prescribes the advice that the court must give to ensure the defendant who pleads guilty has made an informed plea; and (2) it provides for a plea agreement procedure designed to give recognition to the propriety of plea discussions between counsel, to bring the existence of a plea agreement out in open court, and to provide methods for court acceptance or rejection of the plea agreement.
Rule 11 was amended, effective 3/1/2006, in response to the 12/1/2002, revision of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. The language and organization of the rule were changed to make the rule more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules.
Subdivision (a) provides for the various alternative pleas which the defendant may enter. This subdivision does not permit a defendant to enter a plea of nolo contendere and differs from the federal rule in that respect.
Paragraph (a)(2) was adopted effective 3/1/1986. This provision allows the defendant, with the approval of the court and the consent of the prosecuting attorney, to enter a conditional plea of guilty and reserve in writing the right, on appeal of the adverse determination of any specified pretrial motion. The conditional plea procedure is intended to conserve prosecutorial and judicial resources and advance speedy trial objectives by avoiding the necessity of a trial simply to preserve pretrial issues for appellate review.
Paragraph (a)(2) was amended, effective March 1, 2017, to clarify the procedure for entering a conditional plea of guilty.
Subdivision (b) prescribes the advice which the court must give to the defendant as a prerequisite to the acceptance of a plea of guilty. The court is required to determine that a plea is made with an understanding of the nature of the charge and the consequences of the plea. Subdivision (b) also establishes the requirement that the court address the defendant personally.
Paragraph (b)(1) requires the court to determine if the defendant understands the nature of the charge and requires the court to inform the defendant of and determine that the defendant understands the mandatory minimum punishment, if any, and the maximum possible punishment. The objective is to insure that the defendant knows what minimum sentence the judge MUST impose and the maximum sentence the judge MAY impose and, further, to explain the consecutive sentencing possibilities when the defendant pleads to more than one offense. This provision is included so that the judicial warning effectively serves to overcome subsequent objections by the defendant that the defendant's counsel gave the defendant erroneous information. Paragraph (b)(1) also specifies the constitutional rights the defendant waives by a plea of guilty and ensures a knowing and intelligent waiver of counsel is made. A similar requirement is found in Rule 5(b) governing the initial appearance.
Paragraph (b)(1) was amended, effective 6/1/2006, to remove a reference to court appointment of counsel for indigents. Courts ceased appointing counsel for indigents on 1/1/2006, when the North Dakota Commission on Legal Counsel for Indigents became responsible for defense of indigents.
Paragraph (b)(1) was amended, effective 3/1/2016, to include a new subparagraph (J) requiring the court to include a general statement that there may be immigration consequences of conviction in the advice provided to the defendant before the court accepts a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. The amendment, which is based on an amendment to Fed.R.Crim.P. 11, mandates a generic warning, not specific advice concerning the defendant's individual situation.
Paragraph (b)(2) requires the court to determine that a plea of guilty is voluntary before accepting it. Paragraph (b)(2), together with subdivision (c), affords the court an adequate basis for rejecting an improper plea agreement induced by threats or inappropriate promises. The rule specifies that the court personally address the defendant in determining the voluntariness of the plea.
Paragraph (b)(2) was amended, effective____________, to reference Rule 43(b)(2), which allows misdemeanor defendants to be absent from a plea proceeding.
Paragraph (b)(3) requires that the court not enter judgment on a plea of guilty without making an inquiry to ensure that there is a factual basis for the plea.
Paragraph (b)(4) was added to the rule, effective 3/1/2014, and requires the court to obtain an acknowledgment from the defendant on whether the defendant is admitting guilt, or instead is maintaining innocence but pleading guilty because evidence exists from which the trier of fact could reasonably conclude the defendant committed the crime.
Paragraph (b)(4) was amended, effective 3/1/2023, to allow waiver of a defendant's in-person acknowledgment when the court has approved waiver of the defendant's presence under Rule 43(b).
Subdivision (c) provides for a plea agreement procedure. In doing so it gives recognition to the propriety of plea discussions and plea agreements, provided they are disclosed in open court and subject to acceptance or rejection by the trial judge. It is believed that where the defendant by the defendant's plea aids in insuring prompt and certain application of correctional measures, the proper ends of the criminal justice system are furthered because swift and certain punishment serves the ends of both general deterrence and the rehabilitation of the individual defendant. The procedure described in subdivision (c) is designed to prevent abuse of plea discussions and agreements by providing appropriate and adequate safeguards.
Paragraph (c)(1) specifies that both the attorney for the prosecution and the attorney for the defense, or the defendant when acting pro se, participate in plea discussions. It also makes clear that there are three possible concessions that may be made in a plea agreement: first, the charge may be reduced to a lesser or related offense; second, the attorney for the prosecution may agree not to recommend or not oppose the imposition of a particular sentence; or third, the attorney for the prosecution may promise to move for a dismissal of other charges. The court is not permitted to participate in plea discussions because of the possibility that the defendant would believe that the defendant would not receive a fair trial, if no agreement had been reached or the court rejected the agreement, and a subsequent trial ensued before the same judge.
Paragraph (c)(2) provides that the parties must disclose any plea agreement in open court or, for good cause, in camera. Paragraph (c)(3) gives the court, upon notice of the plea agreement, the option of accepting or rejecting the agreement or deferring its decision until receipt of the presentence report. The court must inform the defendant that it may choose not to accept a sentence recommendation made as part of a plea agreement. Decisions on plea agreements are left to the discretion of the individual trial judge.
Paragraph (c)(4) requires the court, if it accepts the plea agreement, to inform the defendant that it will embody in the judgment and sentence the disposition provided in the plea agreement, or one more favorable to the defendant. This provision serves the dual purpose of informing the defendant immediately that the agreement will be implemented.
Paragraph (c)(5) requires the court, on the record, upon its rejection of the plea agreement, to inform the defendant of this fact and to advise the defendant personally, in open court, or for good cause, in camera, that the court is not bound by the plea agreement. The defendant must be afforded an opportunity to withdraw the defendant's plea and must be advised that if the defendant persists in the defendant's guilty plea, the disposition of the case may be less favorable to the defendant than contemplated by the plea agreement.
Paragraph (c)(6) requires that the court be notified of the existence of a plea agreement at the arraignment or at another time prior to trial fixed by the court unless it can be shown that for good cause this was not done. Having a plea entered at this stage provides a reasonable time for the defendant to consult with counsel and for counsel to complete any plea discussions with the attorney for the prosecution. The objective of the provision is to make clear that the court has authority to require a plea agreement to be disclosed sufficiently in advance of trial so as not to interfere with the efficient scheduling of criminal cases.
A new subdivision (d) on plea withdrawal was transferred to Rule 11 from Rule 32 effective3/1/2010.
Subdivision (e) makes it clear that N.D.R.Ev. 410 governs the admissibility of plea discussions.
Subdivision (f) requires that a verbatim record be kept of the proceedings. The record is important in the event of a post-conviction attack.
Subdivision (g) was amended, effective 3/1/2023, to clarify that a defendant's presence at a plea proceeding may be waived as allowed by Rule 43(b). If the defendant wants to plead guilty without appearing in court, a written form must be used which advises the defendant of his or her constitutional rights and creates a record showing that the plea was made voluntarily, knowingly, and understandingly. See Appendix Form 17. A court may accept a guilty plea via interactive television using the procedure set out in N.D. Sup. Ct. Admin. Rule 52.
Rule 11 does not include a subdivision entitled harmless error and differs from the 1983 amendment to Fed.R.Crim.P. 11(h) in that respect. Rule 52(a), Harmless Error, is intended to have general application to all the criminal rules of procedure;
Paragraph (b)(2) was amended December 11, 2018, effective 3/1/2019
SUPERSEDED: N.D.C.C. §§ 29-13-02, 29-14-01, 29-14-02, 29-14-14, 29-14-15, 29-14-16, 29-14-17, 29-14-18, 29-14-19, 29-14-20, 29-14-21, 29-14-22, 29-14-23, 29-14-24, 29-14-26, 29-14-27, 29-16-01, 29-21-16, 29-22-33, 33-12-17, 33-12-18.
CONSIDERED: N.D.C.C. § 31-13-03.
N.D.R.Crim.P. 43 (Defendant's Presence); N.D.R.Crim.P. 44 (Right to and Appointment of Counsel); N.D.R.Ev. 410 (Offer to Plead Guilty; Nolo Contendere; Withdrawn Plea of Guilty); N.D.Sup.Ct.Admin.R. 52(Contemporaneous Transmission by Reliable Electronic Means).