N.D. R. Law. Disc. 6.6
Immunity of persons involved in the lawyer assistance program is governed by Administrative Rule 49, section 5.
N.D. R. Law. Disc. 6.6
Rule 6.6 was adopted effective August 1, 2004; amended effective March 1, 2017.
Section B was amended effective March 1, 2017. to create new lettered Sections C and D comprised generally of language in Section B and new language. Section C describes cases that may be appropriate for diversion, including those involving less serious conduct, and to identify kinds of conduct that would not ordinarily be considered less serious misconduct. Language was added to Section D to include whether diversion was previously attempted among various circumstances in considering whether a case is appropriate for diversion.
New Section E was created effective March 1, 2017. to describe the kinds 106 of diversion that may be available.
Section C was amended effective March 1, 2017. and relettered as Section F.
Section D was amended effective March 1, 2017. and relettered as Section 110 G. The section was further amended to describe the greater role of disciplinary counsel in the diversion process.
Section E was amended effective March 1, 2017, and relettered as Section H and further amended to require that the lawyer assistance plan must be signed by the lawyer, the plan must contain a specific acknowledgment that a material violation of a plan term renders participation in diversion voidable, the plan must be approved by the entity considering the complaint, and to provide that the plan may be amended on the agreement of the lawyer and the reviewing entity.
New Section I was created effective March 1, 2017, to provide disciplinary counsel responsibilities regarding a lawyer's compliance or noncompliance with the assistance plan.
Sections F and G were amended effective March 1, 2017, and relettered as Sections J and K respectively.