N.M. R. Crim. P. Metro. Ct. 7-409
Committee commentary. -
Paragraph C - Federal constitutional law requires a "prompt judicial determination of probable cause" to believe the defendant committed a chargeable offense, before or within 48 hours after arrest, in order to continue detention or other significant restraint of liberty. Cty. of Riverside v. McLaughlin, 500 U.S. 44, 47, 56 (1991).
Paragraph D - Upon the filing of a motion for pretrial detention and a finding of probable cause, the metropolitan court is deprived of jurisdiction to set or amend the conditions of release. The filing of the motion does not, however, stay the case in the metropolitan court. Nothing in this rule shall prevent timely preliminary examinations from proceeding while the detention motion is pending.
Paragraph E - If the district court issues a detention order under Rule 5-409 NMRA, the metropolitan court cannot release the defendant while the case is pending. The metropolitan court should, however, issue a release order if the state files a voluntary dismissal or if the court dismisses the case under other rules, such as Rule 7-202(A)(3) or (D)(1) NMRA.