N.M. R. Civ. P. Metro. Ct. 3-110

As amended through November 1, 2024
Rule 3-110 - Criminal contempt
A.Scope. This rule establishes procedures to implement the inherent and statutory powers of the court to impose punitive sanctions for criminal contempt of court. This rule shall not apply to the imposition of other sanctions specifically authorized by these rules, statute, or the common law, or to the imposition of remedial sanctions. This rule shall not apply to any person who is less than eighteen years old.
(1) "Contempt" or "contemptuous conduct" includes but is not limited to
(a) disorderly conduct, insolent behavior, or a breach of peace, noise, or other disturbance, if such behavior actually obstructs or hinders the administration of justice or tends to diminish the court's authority;
(b) misconduct of court officers in official transactions; or
(c) disobedience of any lawful order, rule, or process of the court.
(2) "Direct contempt" means contemptuous conduct committed in the immediate presence of the court that is personally observed by the judge.
(3) "Indirect contempt" means contemptuous conduct that occurs outside the presence of the court, or conduct that is not personally observed by the judge and requires further fact finding.
(4) "Punitive sanction" means a sentence imposed to punish a person for committing an act of criminal contempt and may include a reprimand or unconditional fine or unconditional sentence of imprisonment.
C.Direct criminal contempt. A direct criminal contempt may be punished summarily at the time of the contempt without further evidentiary proceedings. Except in cases of flagrant contemptuous conduct, before summarily punishing a person for direct criminal contempt the judge shall give the person a warning, either orally or in writing, to no longer engage in the contemptuous behavior and shall give the person an opportunity to explain the conduct. When the judge summarily punishes a contempt defendant for direct criminal contempt, the judge shall forthwith sign and file with the clerk a written order, which shall constitute a judgment and sentence, certifying
(1) the specific facts constituting the direct criminal contempt;
(2) that the judge personally observed the contemptuous conduct committed in the presence of the judge without the need for further fact finding;
(3) the punishment that was summarily imposed; and
(4) that the court has not imposed any term of imprisonment that exceeds six (6) months.
D.Disposition of indirect criminal contempt on notice and hearing. Indirect criminal contempt shall be punished only after notice and hearing in accordance with this paragraph.
(1)Criminal complaint. An indirect criminal contempt proceeding shall be initiated with a criminal complaint under Rule 7-201 NMRA, which shall be served with a summons as set forth in Rule 7-205 NMRA.
(2)Prosecution. An indirect criminal contempt may be prosecuted by the district attorney.
(3)Rules of Criminal Procedure. A charge of indirect criminal contempt shall be prosecuted in accordance with this rule and the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts, to the extent that such rules are not inconsistent with this rule.
(4)Judgment and sentence. If the contempt defendant is found guilty of criminal contempt, the court shall enter a judgment and sentence. The court shall not impose any term of imprisonment that exceeds six (6) months.
E.Docketing. Any criminal contempt proceeding commenced under this rule shall be docketed as a separate criminal matter with a new case number.
F.Appeal. Any person found guilty of criminal contempt may appeal under Rule 7-703 NMRA of the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts and Rule 5-827 NMRA of the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the District Courts.

N.M. R. Civ. P. Metro. Ct. 3-110

As amended, effective 1/1/1996; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-016, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after12/31/2016; suspended by Supreme Court Order No. 21-8300-032, effective 11/22/2021, until further order of the Court.

Committee commentary. - This rule applies to criminal contempt of court proceedings that arise from conduct occurring within a civil action in metropolitan court. This rule does not apply to civil contempt proceedings, nor does it address the extent to which the metropolitan court has the authority to impose sanctions for civil contempt of court. Because a criminal contempt proceeding also can arise from conduct occurring within a criminal action, a similar rule exists in the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts. See Rule 7-111 NMRA.

New Mexico law classifies contempts of court as either civil or criminal. See Concha v. Sanchez, 2011-NMSC-031, ¶ 24, 150 N.M. 268, 258 P.3d 1060. The classification of a contempt as civil or criminal does not depend on whether the contempt proceeding arises out of an underlying criminal action or civil action. Instead, the focus should be on the reason why the court is invoking its contempt powers. See id. Civil contempt sanctions are remedial and may be imposed as coercive measures to compel a person to comply with an order of the court or to enforce the rights of a private party to a lawsuit. See id. ¶ 25; State ex rel. Bliss v. Greenwood, 1957-NMSC-071, ¶ 6, 63 N.M. 156, 315 P.2d 223. A person held in civil contempt "carries the keys to his prison" and can end continuing contempt sanctions by complying with the court's orders. Concha, 2011-NMSC-031, ¶ 25 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Criminal contempt sanctions are imposed to punish the contempt defendant for a completed act of contempt and to preserve the dignity and authority of the court. See Concha, 2011-NMSC-031, ¶ 26; Greenwood, 1957-NMSC-071, ¶ 6.

Whether a contempt proceeding is classified as criminal or civil will impact the procedures the court must follow. Because civil contempt sanctions are remedial and not intended to punish, the court may impose civil contempt sanctions "by honoring the most basic due process protections-in most cases, fair notice and an opportunity to be heard." Concha, 2011-NMSC-031, ¶ 25. Criminal contempt, on the other hand, is a "crime in the ordinary sense; it is a violation of the law." Id. ¶ 26. "A criminal contempt defendant is therefore entitled to due process protections of the criminal law, the specific nature of which will depend on whether the criminal contempt is categorized as direct or indirect." Id. A contempt proceeding can result in both civil and criminal contempt sanctions, see State v. Pothier, 1986-NMSC-039, ¶¶ 4-6, 104 N.M. 363, 721 P.2d 1294 (recognizing that both civil and criminal sanctions can be imposed for contemptuous conduct), and this rule sets forth the procedures the court must follow if the court intends to pursue criminal contempt sanctions even if the court is also considering civil contempt sanctions.

The applicable procedures for a criminal contempt proceeding depend on whether the criminal contempt is direct or indirect. "Direct contempts are contemptuous acts committed in the presence of the court, while indirect contempts are such acts committed outside the presence of the court." Concha v. Sanchez, 2011-NMSC-031, ¶ 24, 150 N.M. 268, 258 P.3d 1060. If the contemptuous conduct has occurred in court and the judge has personal knowledge, based on perceiving the conduct, of the facts establishing all elements of the contempt, the court may follow the summary procedures for direct criminal contempt set forth in Paragraph C of this rule. However, before holding a person in direct criminal contempt, the judge in most cases still must give such person a warning to stop engaging in contemptuous behavior and an opportunity to explain the behavior. See id. ¶ 27 ("If feasible, even in summary proceedings for an act of direct contempt occurring in open court, an adequate opportunity to defend or explain one's conduct is a minimum requirement before imposition of punishment." (internal quotation marks and citation omitted)).

"When the judge has not personally witnessed the defendant's contemptuous behavior in the course of a court proceeding," the court must follow the Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts and the procedures set forth in Paragraph D of this rule for indirect criminal contempt. See id. ¶ 28. The indirect criminal contempt may be prosecuted by the district attorney.

The defendant may exercise a peremptory election to excuse the judge under Rule 7-106 NMRA. In addition, a judge may be required to recuse for cause in appropriate cases under Rule 7-106(F) NMRA. See State v. Stout, 1983-NMSC-094, ¶ 12, 100 N.M. 472, 672 P.2d 645 (providing that a judge is precluded from presiding over a contempt proceeding if the "judge has become so embroiled in the controversy that he cannot fairly and objectively hear the case, or when he or one of his staff will necessarily be a witness in the proceeding").

If incarcerated, the contempt defendant is entitled to bail as provided by Rule 7-401 NMRA. The defendant has a right to assistance of counsel. And, if the defendant is indigent and the court contemplates the imposition of any sentence of imprisonment, the defendant is entitled to representation by an attorney at the state's expense. See NMSA 1978, § 31-15-10(C) ("The district public defender shall represent every person without counsel who is financially unable to obtain counsel and who is charged in any court within the district with any crime that carries a possible sentence of imprisonment.").

Under this rule, the maximum sentence that the metropolitan court may impose for a criminal contempt conviction is six months of imprisonment. Accordingly, the defendant does not have a constitutional right to a jury trial. See Taylor v. Hayes, 418 U.S. 488, 496 (1974) ("[A] State may choose to try any contempt without a jury if it determines not to impose a sentence longer than six months."); see also Int'l Union, United Mine Workers of Am. v. Bagwell, 512 U.S. 821, 826-27 (1994) (explaining that a criminal contempt defendant has a constitutional right to a jury trial if facing more than six months of imprisonment). The defendant may, however, have a statutory right to demand a jury trial if the potential penalty exceeds ninety days of imprisonment. See NMSA 1978, § 34-8A-5(1981) (jury trial in metropolitan court).

If the defendant is found guilty of direct or indirect criminal contempt, the judge must enter a judgment and sentence. An adjudication of guilt on a charge of criminal contempt constitutes a criminal conviction, which may result in collateral consequences and may have other implications for the defendant. The court may defer or suspend a criminal contempt sentence as permitted by law. And, because criminal contempt is a crime in the ordinary sense, the court should assess and collect court costs on a criminal contempt conviction as set forth in NMSA 1978, Section 35-6-1.

Whether the defendant is found guilty of direct or indirect criminal contempt, the defendant has a right to appeal under the rules governing appeals from metropolitan court in criminal cases. See N.M. Const. art. VI, § 27; NMSA 1978, § 34-8A-6; NMSA 1978, § 35-3-9; Rules 5-827, 7-703 NMRA. Under NMSA 1978, § 39-3-15(A) (1966), "In any case of criminal contempt, the taking of an appeal operates to stay execution of the judgment without bond."

[As amended by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-016, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after December 31, 2016; suspended by Supreme Court Order No. 21-8300-032, effective November 22, 2021, until further order of the Court.]


ANNOTATIONS The 2016 amendment, approved by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-016, effective December 31, 2016, rewrote the rule establishing procedures to implement the inherent and statutory powers of the metropolitan court to impose punitive sanctions for criminal contempt of court for conduct occurring within a civil action in metropolitan court, specified that the rule does not apply to individuals under the age of eighteen, and rewrote the committee commentary; in the heading, added "Criminal" prior to "contempt"; and deleted former Paragraphs A through D and added new Paragraphs A through F. The 1996 amendment, effective January 1, 1996, made stylistic changes in Paragraph A; redesignated former Paragraphs B and C as Paragraphs C and B, respectively; in Paragraph B, rewrote the introductory language, added Subparagraph (4), and rewrote the last paragraph; in Paragraph C, rewrote the paragraph heading, inserted "direct" near the beginning and made stylistic changes; and added Paragraph D. Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. - Contempt based on violation of court order where another court has issued contrary order, 36 A.L.R.4th 978. Intoxication of witness or attorney as contempt of court, 46 A.L.R.4th 238. Contempt: state court's power to order indefinite coercive fine or imprisonment to exact promise of future compliance with court's order - anticipatory contempt, 81 A.L.R.4th 1008. Lack of notice to contemnor at time of contemptuous conduct of possible criminal contempt sanctions as affecting prosecution for contempt in federal court, 76 A.L.R. Fed. 797.