N.M. R. Rcdg. Jud. Proc. 22-302

As amended through November 1, 2024
Rule 22-302 - Transcript; format
A.Transcript; format. All transcripts, including compressed transcripts, of judicial proceedings shall be prepared in compliance with the certified court reporters manual.
B.Forms manual. The forms manual prepared and modified by the board is mandated as the model to be followed by all certified court reporters.

N.M. R. Rcdg. Jud. Proc. 22-302

As amended, effective 12/1/1993;2/16/2004.

ANNOTATIONS The 2003 amendment, effective February 16, 2004, inserted "including compressed transcripts" in Paragraph A. The 1993 amendment, effective December 1, 1993, substituted "Transcript" for "Nontaped proceedings" in the rule heading; inserted "Transcript" in the paragraph heading of Paragraph A and rewrote the paragraph; and substituted present Paragraph B for former Paragraph B which related to the index.