Rule 15-606 - Board financesA.General fund. The board shall deposit application fees and costs it receives into an account designated as the board's general fund. The general fund shall be disbursed by the board in carrying out its functions, duties, and powers.B.IOLTA Account. The board shall deposit funds collected as a deposit against fees and costs under Rule 15-204(C) NMRA into an IOLTA account.C.Budget. The board shall submit on or before January 1st of each year a proposed budget to the Supreme Court.D.Audit. The board shall, on or before March 1st of each year, submit to the Supreme Court an accounting and audit of all funds received and disbursed during the prior fiscal year. This audit shall be performed by an auditor selected by the Supreme Court.Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. S-1-RCR-2023-00036, effective 12/31/2023.