Rule 15-506 - Right to inspectA.Test scores; inspection. An applicant who did not receive a passing score on an examination may inspect the examination questions and answers only as described in this rule. An applicant who passes the examination shall have no right to inspect any portion of the exam or the applicant's answers. No inspection of questions or answers of an examination administered by the NCBE shall be allowed unless authorized by the NCBE. On the NCBE's authorization to release examination information, an applicant may inspect the examination by submitting the required fee to the board, but must do so no later than sixty (60) days after an applicant is notified of the examination results. Only the following portions of an examination may be inspected: (1) the MEE and MPT questions of the examination;(2) the applicant's answers to the MEE and MPT questions; and(3) sample answers for each question.B.Examination grading. Before the publication of the results of the UBE, the board or its designee shall review and regrade as necessary the MEE and MPT answers for any applicant whose total UBE score is six (6) points below the minimum passing score. The total UBE score after the regrade shall be the final score for that applicant. Any applicant who has not received a passing score on the UBE, but otherwise is qualified for admission may, within thirty (30) days of being notified of the UBE examination results, make written request that the board review the mathematical accuracy of the scoring of the applicant's examination. The board or its designee shall promptly review the scoring and take any action necessitated by the review. The regrade shall be conducted by a different person than the original grader. Any actual cost for review of the mathematical accuracy of the scoring shall be paid by the applicant.Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. S-1-RCR-2023-00036, effective 12/31/2023.