Rule 37 - Preparation and filing of the record of proceedingsA.Preparation of the record of proceedings. As soon as practical following the completion of a hearing on the merits in which the Commission decides to make recommendations to the Supreme Court for the discipline, removal, or retirement of a judge, the Commission shall ensure the prompt preparation of the record of proceedings and shall ensure prompt service of the record of the proceedings on the parties.B.Certification and filing of the record of proceedings and service of notice. Promptly upon completion of preparation of the record of proceedings, the Commission shall certify that the record is the complete, following which the record or proceedings shall be filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court and notice of such filing shall be served on the parties. C.Petition for immediate temporary suspension. If, in its recommendations, the Commission finds that immediate temporary suspension of a judge or other interim relief is required pending the Supreme Court's action on the Commission's recommendations, the Commission shall direct investigative trial counsel to file a petition with the Supreme Court pursuant to the requirements of Rule 24.D.No longer confidential. Upon filing of the record of proceedings with the Supreme Court, the proceedings, to the extent of the record filed, are no longer confidential.N.M. Jud. Stand. Comm. R. 37
Approved, effective August 31, 1984, as amended, effective September 29, 1989; as amended, effective May 1, 2010; as amended, effective March 1, 2019.