N.M. R. Child. Ct. 10-563
ANNOTATIONS The 2014 amendment, approved by Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-009, effective December 31, 2014, required that allegations of abuse or neglect be reported pursuant to the Children's Code; changed the caption of the case; in the first paragraph, after "session(s)", deleted "today" and added "which concluded on"; in the second paragraph, in the fourth sentence, after "New", deleted "information" and added "allegations" and after "neglect", deleted "is subject to being" and added "are not confidential and shall be"; in the signature blocks, added a signature line for "Other Respondent" and "Other Respondent's Attorney"; in the paragraph following the signature blocks, in the parenthesis, in the second sentence, after "Choose", deleted "one" and added the remainder of paragraph; and in the Use Note, deleted the reference to Form 6559 NTC and in Paragraph 1, deleted the former last sentence which required the children's court attorney to report with the court and provide a copy of the form to each party. Recompilations. - Pursuant to Supreme Court Order No. 14-8300-009, former Form 10-471 NMRA was recompiled and amended as Form 10-563 NMRA, effective December 31, 2014.