(a) "Conventionally," with respect to the filing of documents, means the filing of documents with the court in paper. With respect to providing copies of court documents and filed documents to a party, "conventionally" means the provision of copies through the mail or through other non-electronic means.(b) "Document" means any written matter filed by or with the court, whether filed conventionally or electronically, including, but not limited to, motions, pleadings, applications, petitions, notices, declarations, affidavits, exhibits, briefs, memoranda of law, orders and deposition transcripts.(c) "Filer" or "Registered Filer" means a person registered with the electronic filing system who submits a document for filing with the court.(d) "Electronic Filing" means the process whereby a filer electronically submits to a court a document in electronic form to initiate an action or to file a document in an existing case.(e) "Electronic service address" of a party means the electronic mail ("email") address at or through which the party shall receive electronic service.(f) "Electronic service" means the electronic transmission of a notification by the electronic filing system to the electronic mail ("email") address of a party who has consented to electronic service by registering as a filer. The electronic filing system's electronic notification will be used for the transmission of court notices, court orders, and filings by parties, and will contain a hyperlink or other means to access a document that was filed or issued electronically for the purpose of accomplishing service. Documents that require personal service or other formal service of process to confer jurisdiction over a party as a matter of law may not be served electronically.(g) "Electronic Signature" is a signature, other than an inked signature, as authorized by these rules.(h) "Non-electronic signature" is an inked signature.(i) "Original," as used in these rules to refer to original documents, shall have the same meaning as provided in Rule 1001 of the New Hampshire Rules of Evidence.N.H. Supp. R. Sup. Ct. Elec. Fil. 2