N.H. R. Sup. Ct. 1

As amended through December 30, 2024
Rule 1 - Official Publication and Notification of Rules

The Supreme Court of New Hampshire, pursuant to its constitutional, statutory, and common law powers, N.H. CONST. pt. II, art. 73-a; RSA 490:4; Boody v. Watson, 64 N.H. 162 (1886), promulgates the following rules of practice and procedure.

Publication in New Hampshire Bar News will constitute official publication and notification of any changes in rules regulating practice in the New Hampshire courts or governing membership in the New Hampshire Bar Association or standing as a member of the New Hampshire Bar, as well as of any other Supreme Court orders of general application.

Rules of the supreme court and all other New Hampshire courts shall be available in the offices of all clerks of court and shall also be printed by a commercial publisher and made available for purchase by attorneys, law libraries and the public. Further information as to obtaining copies of the New Hampshire Bar News or binders of Court Rules may be obtained from the New Hampshire Bar Association or the Supreme Court's Clerk's office.

In the interest of expediting a decision, or for other good cause shown, the supreme court or a single justice thereof may suspend the requirements or provisions of any of these rules in any instance on application of a party or on the court's or a single justice's motion, and may order proceedings in accordance with that direction.

References in court rules to thedistrict court shall be deemed to include the circuit court - district division; references tothe probate court shall be deemed to include the circuit court - probate division; and references to the judicial branch family division shall be deemed to include the circuit court - family division.

N.H. R. Sup. Ct. 1

Amended Nov.10, 2015., eff. Jan. 1, 2016.