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The provisions of this rule shall apply only to preparation for and proceedings in all courts in which assigned counsel is appointed to represent indigent criminal defendants.
Only upon an express, written finding of good cause and exceptional circumstances by the court will the maximum fees be exceeded or will additional fees be authorized. All petitions to exceed the maximum fee guidelines must be approved prior to the guidelines being exceeded; provided, however, that the court may waive the requirement for prior approval when justice so requires.
When counsel represents more than one client on any particular day, the hours spent shall be allocated accordingly, including any travel time. Representation of more than one client on the same day and in the same court shall be noted on the bills submitted. All bills shall be reviewed by the judge who presided over the case, if practicable.
When assigned counsel is appointed in circuit court, that counsel shall continue as counsel of record for all purposes (such as motions to reduce bail, waiver of indictments, etc.) until and unless new counsel is appointed by the superior court. The appointment of counsel shall occur in accordance with RSA 604-A:2, II. The public defender shall be appointed if that office is available. In the event that the public defender program is not available, the appointment of a contract attorney shall occur, if such an attorney is available. Lastly, in the event that neither the public defender nor a contract attorney is available, the appointment of a qualified attorney under RSA 604-A:2, I, shall occur.
The adequacy of the rates prescribed by this rule may, upon request of the supreme court, be reviewed periodically by the advisory committee on rules.
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Appointed counsel for witnesses is covered under Rule 48 of the Supreme Court Rules.