N.H. R. Sup. Ct. 45

As amended through December 30, 2024
Rule 45 - Continuing Judicial Education
(1) Continuing judicial training and education is essential to maintain public confidence in the judiciary and the highest level of professional standards.

Accordingly, at a minimum, the judges, masters, and clerks our respective courts and the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts shall be required to attend continuing judicial education programs, subject to the availability of funds, as follows:

(a) Justices of the Supreme Court shall attend at least one Appellate Judges Seminar or similar program at least once a year.
(b) Justice(s) of the Superior Court shall attend a judicial orientation and training program as determined by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court within two years of their appointment and shall attend at least one in-state, regional, or national educational program approved by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court every year thereafter. All superior court clerks shall attend at least one in-state, regional, or national court-related educational program approved by the Chief Justice of the Superior Court each year. The Chief Justice of the Superior Court shall coordinate all educational activities within the Superior Court with the New Hampshire Judicial Branch Educational Committee.
(c) All circuit court judges and marital masters shall attend a judicial orientation and training program as determined by the Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court within two years of their appointment, and shall attend at least one in-state, regional, or national educational program approved by the Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court every year thereafter. All circuit court clerks shall attend at least one in-state, regional, or national court-related educational program approved by the Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court each year. The Administrative Judge of the Circuit Court shall coordinate all educational activities within the Circuit Court with the New Hampshire Judicial Branch Educational Committee
(d) The Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts shall attend at least one in-state, regional, or national educational program approved by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court each year.
(e) Exceptions to this rule for good cause shown may be approved by the Supreme Court.

N.H. R. Sup. Ct. 45

Amended Apr. 4, 2014, eff. May 1, 2014.