N.H. R. Sup. Ct. 40
All proceedings of the committee on judicial conduct, created by Supreme Court Rule 39, shall be governed by these rules.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Answer - The response filed by a judge to a complaint or statement of formal charges.
Caution - Non-disciplinary action taken by the committee when it is believed that the judge acted in a manner which involved behavior requiring attention although not constituting clear violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct warranting disciplinary action. A caution may include recommendations concerning prudent future conduct, and may be issued at any stage of the proceedings with or without the consent of the judge. After a caution is issued, the judge shall have the opportunity to submit a reply within 30 days from the date of notification. Any caution or reply shall be available for public inspection consistent with Rule (16).
Code of Judicial Conduct - The Code of Judicial Conduct, as adopted by the New Hampshire Supreme Court in Rule 38, as the same may from time to time be amended.
Committee Counsel - Counsel engaged by the committee to assist it prior to the filing of formal charges.
Committee - The New Hampshire Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Conduct.
Committee Chair - The chair of the committee, or, in the absence of the chair, the vice-chair of the committee.
Complaint - A report of alleged misconduct that is docketed by the committee after being reviewed and determined to be against a judge and to satisfy the requirements for docketing as a complaint as set forth in section (5)(c), or a complaint which is drafted and docketed by the committee in accordance with section (7)(b) after a committee-initiated inquiry.
Court - The New Hampshire Supreme Court.
Discipline - Any disciplinary action authorized by this rule in a matter in which misconduct in violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct is found to warrant disciplinary action.
Formal Discipline - Discipline imposed pursuant to a Statement of Formal Charges and after a hearing and a finding of misconduct, where the committee determines that the violation is of a serious nature warranting formal disciplinary action by the Court, including a suspension.
Hearing - The proceedings which follow a statement of formal charges.
Hearing counsel - Counsel engaged by the committee to prosecute formal charges before the committee or disciplinary proceedings in this court. A lawyer who has served as committee counsel in connection with a matter may, in appropriate circumstances and in the committee's discretion, be engaged to serve as hearing counsel. Hearing counsel, after being appointed as such, shall have no ex parte communications with the committee.
Inquiry - A preliminary investigation begun by the committee on its own initiative to determine whether its findings should be docketed as a complaint.
Investigation - Fact gathering by or under the direction of the committee with respect to alleged misconduct.
Investigator - Any person designated by the committee to assist it in the investigation of alleged misconduct.
Judge - This term includes the following members of the State of New Hampshire Judicial Branch:
Misconduct - Conduct on the part of a judge that is contrary to the Code of Judicial Conduct.
Proceeding - Each step taken or which may be taken under these rules with respect to a report of alleged misconduct filed with the committee alleging misconduct of a judge, or with respect to an inquiry concerning the conduct of a judge which the committee has initiated on its own motion.
Report of Alleged Misconduct - A written allegation of misconduct against a judge, which is filed with the committee.
Reporter - A person who communicates a report of alleged misconduct to the committee.
Reprimand - An official written warning or admonition imposed after a finding of misconduct.
Resolution without formal discipline - Discipline imposed by the committee when it determines that the judge has violated the Code of Judicial Conduct but that the violation is not of a sufficiently serious nature to warrant the imposition of formal discipline by the court. Sanctions may include issuance of a reprimand, requiring corrective action, directing professional counseling or assistance, imposing conditions on the judge's conduct, or other similar action. It is issued with the consent of the judge or without consent after a hearing. The consent of the judge to resolution without formal discipline shall constitute a waiver of the judge's right to a hearing.
Rule - The provisions of Supreme Court Rule 40.
Statement of Formal Charges - A formal pleading served under section (9) of this rule by the committee.
Suspension - The temporary prohibition of a judge from exercising judicial authority for the period of time specified by the court. A suspended judge shall have the right to resume the exercise of judicial authority, after the expiration of the suspension period, upon compliance with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the suspension order promulgated by the court. As a term of suspension, the court may order that the judge's salary be suspended.
In addition, the committee may release periodic statistical reports of its work.
Supreme Court Comment - 2000 amendment.
One of the protections of the confidentiality provision is that a grievant is not liable for good faith statements contained in a grievance or made in the course of proceedings.
Nothing in the rule of confidentiality prevents a grievant from disclosing publicly the conduct of a judge which he or she believes violates the Code of Judicial Conduct or is otherwise inappropriate. The immunity from civil liability does not apply to such disclosures. The rule does prohibit a grievant, however, from disclosing publicly the fact that a grievance against the judge about the conduct has been filed with the committee until a statement of formal charges is prepared and filed as described in section 9(a) of this rule, a grievance that had been docketed as a complaint is disposed of by informal resolution or adjustment or is dismissed, or a grievance that has not been docketed as a complaint is disposed of by the committee.
Once a grievance or complaint has been disposed of by the committee, a grievant may make a public disclosure concerning the filing of a grievance including the conduct complained of and the action of the committee, and the committee's file, with the exception of work product, internal memoranda, and deliberations, shall be public.
The committee's address and telephone number are available on the Internet at the committee's website, which can be found at:
Misconduct will be deemed to have been committed when every element of the alleged misconduct has occurred, except, however, that where there is a continuing course of conduct, misconduct will be deemed to have been committed beginning at the termination of that course of conduct.
Under this provision, "good cause" may include as the committee deems appropriate providing an opportunity for the judge to undergo confidential evaluation under the supervision of the New Hampshire Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) and to participate in professional treatment, counseling, after-care, and/or other assistance program recommended in the evaluation, subject to supervision by LAP and any other conditions established by the committee.
The committee shall provide the Judge and Reporter timely notice of a decision to stay the proceedings, provided that, for good cause, the committee may vote to defer notification to the Judge or Reporter for such a period of time as it deems necessary.
The committee may initiate an inquiry concerning the conduct of any judge on its own motion, without a signed written report of alleged misconduct, upon any reasonable factual basis. No such inquiry shall be initiated by the committee except upon the affirmative vote of six or more members of the committee taken at a meeting thereof. Notice of the initiation of an inquiry by the committee on its own motion shall be given to the judge by the committee at such time as it deems appropriate. The committee may delay giving such notice to the judge to avoid possible compromise of the inquiry and any resulting investigation or for other good reason. Unless the committee votes to docket a complaint against a judge in accordance with section (7)(b), all records of a committee-initiated inquiry shall be confidential.
Provided, however, that upon the vote of seven or more of its members, where the inquiry does not disclose conduct in violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct, or there is no reasonable likelihood of a finding of judicial misconduct, but the committee determines that the judge acted in a manner which involved conduct requiring attention, the committee may issue a caution. Consent of the judge shall not be required. Prior to the issuance of any caution, the judge shall be apprised of the conduct requiring attention and shall be afforded the opportunity to provide a written response or to appear before the committee, whichever the judge elects. Notwithstanding the above paragraph, any written caution issued herein, or response provided by the judge shall be public and subject to the same access as if issued after a report of alleged misconduct pursuant to paragraph 16(a).
Whenever the executive secretary provides a judge with a copy of a complaint against such judge, the executive secretary shall at the same time send a copy of the complaint to the chief justice or administrative judge of the court system in which such person serves. In such instances, the chief justice or administrative judge shall send a copy of the complaint to the presiding justice of the particular court in which such person serves.
A deferral agreement must include the contemplated resolution of the complaint if the judge successfully complies with the terms of the agreement. At the end of the deferral period the judge would bear the burden to demonstrate that he or she has successfully complied with the terms of the deferral. Upon successful completion of the deferral agreement, the complaint would be resolved upon the terms set forth in the deferral agreement. If the judge does not successfully complete the terms of the deferral, the committee may proceed upon the complaint. Additionally, the committee may bring forward the complaint at any time prior to successful completion of the terms of deferral upon determining that the judge is not participating in professional treatment, counseling, after-care, and/or other assistance program recommended in the evaluation or failing to comply with other conditions established by the committee. Prior to the complaint being brought forward, however, the judge shall be afforded an opportunity to appear before the committee to demonstrate that he or she has successfully complied with the terms of the deferral. The committee may also initiate an inquiry or complaint based on any new rule violations which may have occurred during the deferral period.
Every deferral agreement shall be reduced to writing, shall provide for periodic reporting by LAP to the committee regarding the judge's compliance or noncompliance, and shall be signed by the judge and the chair of the committee. A copy of the agreement will be given to the judge; the original shall be maintained in the committee's file.
Anything in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, the committee shall not be required to disclose to the judge the identity of any informant who will not be called as a witness in support of the charges, and who has declined to sign a written report of alleged misconduct, unless the alleged misconduct was directed at the informant.
With respect to subsection (3) of this rule, it is contemplated that such requests will be deemed timely if they are filed enough in advance of the proceeding that the comittee has an opportunity to read and consider the request, to orally notify all interested parties of its existence, and to conduct a brief hearing in the event that any interested party objects to the request. Given the strong presumption under New Hampshire law that photographing, recording, and/or broadcasting judicial conduct committee proceedings that are open to the public is allowable, this subsection is not intended to impose lengthy or onerous advance notice requirements; instead, it recognizes that frequently such requests will be filed only shortly before the proceeding in question is to begin.
Upon receipt of a report of the findings and record of the proceedings before the committee under section 12(d)(2), or after a de novo hearing before a judicial referee under subsections 12(c)(1) and 12(d)(1), the supreme court shall set the matter down for briefing and oral argument which shall be open to the public. Any findings or discipline imposed under these three subsections shall not be final or in effect pending review by the court. At such oral argument the committee and the judge complained against shall have the opportunity to appear in person and/or by counsel. The supreme court shall file a written opinion and judgment determining whether the findings of fact are supported by the record, and directing such disciplinary action as it finds just and proper, or exonerating the judge complained against.
In all cases in which discipline is imposed, including cases resolved without formal discipline, all expenses incurred by the committee on judicial conduct in the investigation and enforcement of discipline may, in whole or in part, be assessed to a disciplined judge to the extent appropriate.
Upon application from a judge against whom formal charges have been brought, the committee may, in its discretion and subject to the availability of funds, pay such portion as it deems equitable of the fee and expenses of the judge's counsel. Within 30 days of the committee's decision on such an application, the judge may request that the court review the matter.
All persons shall be immune from civil liability for all of their statements made in good faith to the committee or to the supreme court or given in any investigation or proceedings pertaining to a report of alleged misconduct or complaint against a judge. The protection of this immunity does not exist as to:
A closed file may be referred to by the committee in subsequent proceedings in the following circumstances:
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