Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 121.1

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 121.1 - Dissemination of License Status, Discipline and Disability Information
1.Entity responsible. If the attorney’s suspension was imposed under SCR 93 for failure to pay state bar dues or under 214(1) for failure to timely complete TIP, then the state bar shall be responsible for issuing the notices required by SCR121.1(2) and (3). If the attorney’s suspension was imposed under SCR212 for failure to comply with continuing legal education requirements, then the board of continuing legal education shall be responsible for issuing the notices required by SCR121.1(2) and (3). In cases of admonition, reprimand, disciplinary suspension, disbarment, reinstatement, and transfers to or from disability inactive status, bar counsel shall be responsible for issuing the notices required by SCR SCR121.1(2), (3), and (4).
2.Public notice of change in license status and discipline imposed. The entity responsible under SCR121.1(1) shall cause notices of orders that subject an attorney to disbarment or any form of suspension, including suspension under SCR93 or SCR212, or reprimand, that transfer an attorney to or from disability inactive status, that reinstate an attorney to the practice of law, or that approve an attorney’s resignation, with or without discipline pending, to be published in the state bar publication and on the website of the State Bar of Nevada. The responsible entity also shall make these notices available to a newspaper of general circulation in each judicial district of this state in which the attorney maintained an office for the practice of law or carried on a substantial portion of their practice.

The entity responsible for compliance with this provision has discretion in drafting public notices required by this rule, which may consist simply of the orders themselves. However, notices of orders that impose discipline should include sufficient information to adequately inform the public and members of the bar about the misconduct found, the rules violated, and the discipline imposed.

3.Notice to courts. The entity responsible under SCR121.1(1) shall promptly advise all courts in this state of orders that suspend or disbar an attorney, that transfer an attorney to or from disability inactive status, that approve an attorney’s resignation, or that reinstate an attorney to the practice of law.
4.Notice to other disciplinary agencies. Bar counsel shall notify the National Discipline Data Bank maintained by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professional Discipline and the disciplinary enforcement agency of every other jurisdiction in which an attorney is admitted of all public discipline imposed on an attorney, transfers to or from disability inactive status, reinstatements to the practice of law, and resignations with discipline pending.
5.Publication of supreme court orders. The clerk of the supreme court shall cause any order issued by the supreme court that subjects an attorney to any form of public discipline including a reprimand, suspension, or disbarment, that transfers an attorney to or from disability inactive status, that approves an attorney’s resignation, or that reinstates an attorney to the practice of law to be published in pamphlet form and disseminated to all subscribers of the advance sheets of the Nevada Reports and to all persons and agencies listed in NRS 2.345.
6.Publication of admonition issued by screening panel. Bar counsel shall cause an admonition issued by a screening panel to be published in the state bar publication. The published admonitions shall not disclose the identity of the attorney and shall not be associated with the attorney on the State Bar of Nevada website.

Nev. Sup. Ct. R. 121.1

Added; effective 10/5/2003; amended effective 3/1/2007; amended effective 3/13/2014; amended effective 1/26/2017; amended effective 2/4/2022; amended effective 10/26/2023.