Nev. R. Prac. Justice. Ct. Reno. Tow. 9

As amended through June 26, 2024
Rule 9 - Custody and withdrawal of papers, records, and exhibits
(a) The clerk or the judge shall have custody of the records and papers of the court. They shall not permit any original record, paper, or exhibit to be taken fromthe courtroom, judge's chambers, or from the clerk's office, except at the direction of the court or as provided by statute or these rules.
(b) Papers, records, or exhibits belonging to the files of the court may be temporarily withdrawn from the office and custody of the clerk for a limited time upon the special order of the judge in writing, specifying the record, paper, or exhibit, and limiting the time the same may be retained. A receipt shall be given for any paper, record, or exhibit withdrawn from the files.
(c) Models, diagrams, and exhibits of material forming part of the evidence taken in a case may be withdrawn by order of the court in the following manner
(1) By stipulation of the parties.
(2) By motion made after notice to the adverse party.
(3) After a judgment is final and the time to appeal has expired, by the party introducing the same in evidence, unless the model, diagram, or exhibit is obtained from the adverse party. If any model, diagram, paper, or exhibit is withdrawn under this paragraph (c), the party or attormey who withdraws the same shall file an affidavit with the clerk to the effect that the person who withdraws it is the owner of or lawfully entitled to the possession of the model, diagram, paper, or exhibit. Withdrawal of any model, diagram, paper, or exhibit shall be on court order on such terms and conditions as the court may impose, and a receipt shall be filed with the clerk.

Nev. R. Prac. Justice. Ct. Reno. Tow. 9

Added effective 5/2/2011; amendments through 2/5/2018.