Neb. Sup. Ct. R. 2

As amended through December 18, 2024
Appendix 2 - Nebraska Judicial Branch Acknowledgment

Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. § 1-1201(C) and as directed by the Nebraska Supreme Court, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of and read the Information Systems and Security Rule and the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy. I acknowledge the following:

1. I understand that when I use any Branch information system, I have NO expectation of privacy in any Branch records that I create or in my activities while accessing or using the Branch's information systems.

2. I understand that the Nebraska Supreme Court may direct the State Court Administrator, Probation Administrator, or the Chief Information Officer to review my conduct or actions without notice, concerning Branch information and information systems, and take appropriate action to protect the Branch's information systems from threats, vulnerabilities, and data loss, if warranted.

3. I understand that refusal to sign the Acknowledgment of the Information Systems and Security Rule and Policy may have an adverse impact on my access to Judicial Branch Information Systems as directed by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Acknowledgment and Acceptance

I acknowledge that willful violation of Neb. Ct. R. § 1-1201 et seq. and/or the Judicial Branch Information Systems and Security Rule and Policy may cause the Nebraska Supreme Court to direct any or all of the following:

1. Loss of access to information technology systems, networks, hardware, and /or software;

2. Reporting of such violation to any disciplinary authority as directed by the Nebraska Supreme Court;

3. Disciplinary action if I am an employee covered by the Nebraska Supreme Court Personnel Policies and Procedures;

4. Termination of contract;

5. Reporting of such violation to law enforcement, if a criminal act; and/or

6. Any other action the Nebraska Supreme Court deems advisable to protect the Judicial Branch's Information Systems.


Print or type your full name




Title or job description


Location of employment


Neb. Sup. Ct. R. 2

Adopted April 17, 2024, effective 4/17/2024