Rule 13.06 - Certificate to Supervise(a) A law teacher who is not a member of the bar of this state but who is employed full-time as a law teacher by a law school within this state that is approved by the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association may obtain a certificate to supervise students certified by this Rule 13 if the teacher: (1) Appears in courts and before administrative agencies and provides other legal services only in connection with the law school's professional education program as supervisor or teacher in the clinical law program;(2) Receives compensation or other remuneration for these services only from the law school;(3) Is a member in good standing of the bar of another state or the District of Columbia;(4) Has not been denied admission to a bar or been disciplined for professional misconduct within the last five years; and(5) Certifies in writing that the teacher has read and is familiar with Rule 4 and will abide by the provisions of Rule 4.(b) A person seeking a certificate pursuant to this Rule 13.06 shall file an application in such form as prescribed by the board of law examiners and pay the non-refundable prescribed application fee.(c) After consideration of the application, the board of law examiners shall submit a recommendation to this Court.(d) The time accumulated as a person certified pursuant to this Rule 13.06 may be used to meet the requirements of Rule 8.10(a)(3).(e) A person certified pursuant to this Rule 13.06 shall pay the Category 1 annual enrollment fee in the amount provided by Rule 6.01(1) and is subject to the provisions of Rule 4, Rule 5, and Rule 15.(f) The certificate issued pursuant to this Rule 13.06 terminates when the person no longer meets any one of the requirements necessary to initially receive a certificate. The dean of the law school employing a law teacher having a certificate pursuant to this Rule 13.06 shall notify the chief disciplinary counsel whenever the dean is informed that the teacher no longer meets the requirements of this Rule 13.06. The chief disciplinary counsel shall file an information in this Court whenever said counsel has probable cause to believe that the teacher no longer meets any one of the requirements necessary to initially receive a certificate pursuant to this Rule 13.06.Mo. R. Gov. Bar Jud. 13.06
Adopted March 3, 1994, eff. 7/1/1994. Amended Aug. 20, 1996, eff. 9/1/1996; Sept. 3, 2003, eff. 10/1/2003.