Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 1.10
Judicial records in digital or electronic format shall be maintained on computer equipment managed and controlled solely by the court unless otherwise approved by the Missouri court automation committee and state judicial records committee.
Any court automation system, including any pilot project, shall be implemented, operated and maintained in accordance with strict standards for the physical and information security, integrity, and privacy of judicial records in all courts.
To protect the security, integrity, privacy, and availability of judicial records and the court automation system, all users and systems connected to the networks supported by the office of state courts administrator must conform to the Missouri court automation committee approved guidelines, policies, and standards.
The state courts administrator, upon notice to the appropriate chief or presiding judge, is authorized to:
the court automation system, appropriate action may be taken immediately, and the required notice shall be given as soon as reasonably practicable.
The office of state courts administrator may withhold service or support to any user, court, or division breaching the Missouri court automation committee approved guidelines, policies, and standards. Minor infractions may be reported to the appropriate appointing authority, and major infractions may result in suspension or revocation of privileges and/or support.
For the purposes of this Court Operating Rule 1.10, "minor infractions" are those actions that are contrary to the Missouri court automation committee approved guidelines, policies, and standards and cause no significant loss of operational functionality, data integrity, or data security. "Major infractions" are those actions that cause a loss of operational functionality, data integrity or data security that is significant and/or extended in duration or whose impact extends beyond the local court.
Mo. Sup. Ct. Op. R 1.10