Rule 23.01 - Reporting Requirements for Child Abuse and Neglect Cases(a) All hearings in any proceeding filed pursuant to section 211.031.1(1), RSMo, shall be held within the time frames established in Rule 124.01. Each circuit and each judicial officer assigned to the juvenile division in each circuit is responsible for holding such hearings within these time frames.(b) The presiding judge in each circuit shall submit a quarterly report to the office of state courts administrator for each hearing in a proceeding filed pursuant to section 211.031.1(1), RSMo, not held within the specified time frame in Rule 124.01. The first such report, for the period from July 1, 2005 to September 30, 2005, shall be submitted on or before October 15, 2005. Each subsequent report shall be submitted on or before the 15th day of the first month after conclusion of the quarter for which the report is submitted. The office of state courts administrator shall direct a copy of each report to this Court and the commission on retirement, removal and discipline.(c) The appropriate judicial officer shall prepare the report, which shall contain for each reported case the following: (4) Required hearing date; (5) Date(s) of hearing (if held); (6) Date hearing scheduled (if not held); (7) Reason(s) for delays; (8) Number of continuances;(9) Compelling, extenuating circumstances found by the judicial officer to support each continuance outside the applicable time frame; and(10) Plan of each judicial officer to comply with the required time frames during the next following quarter.(d) The office of state courts administrator shall provide courts with assistance in implementing the time frames in Supreme Court Rule 124.01, including, but not limited to: (1) Management reports showing the status of cases; (2) Information and training on effective case management; and(3) Available needed additional nonjudicial resources. (e) Compliance with the required time frames shall be based on data collected by the office of state courts administrator. (f) The Judiciary's annual report shall include only summary data by circuit. Adopted March 9, 2005, Effective 7/1/2005; Repealed May 20, 2009, Amended May 20, 2009, eff. 1/1/2010.