Rule 28.01 - Use of Juvenile Detention(a) Generally, juveniles should not be held in secure detention unless they present a risk to public safety or may fail to appear in court for their hearing. The juvenile detention assessment (JDTA) is a written checklist of criteria used to rate each juvenile for specific detention related risks. The JDTA is based upon evidence-based practice that has been tested and validated. The overall risk score is a guide in making the initial decision whether to detain in secure detention, utilize an alternative to secure detention, or release with or without conditions pending hearing. (b) The state courts administrator shall provide training to all circuits on use of the JDTA. All juvenile officers and detention intake staff in the circuit shall use the JDTA after training is completed in determining whether to place juveniles in secure detention. (c) Each circuit using the JDTA shall keep and report data as instructed by the state courts administrator. The reported data shall include at least the following: the number of juveniles detained and released, by gender, race, ethnicity, age and offense, and all assessment information including staff decision, overrides, and program information. Amended April 8, 2011, effective 1/1/2012.