The Bar Admissions Administrator shall make a permanent record of the grades attained by each applicant and shall inform each applicant whether he has passed or failed the examination.
Each applicant failing to achieve a passing grade on the examination shall be provided (at no cost to the applicant) with a report showing his or her score on the MBE, on each of the MSE examinations, and on each question on the MEE and MPT.
An applicant receiving a passing grade on the examination may request, in writing, a report showing his or her score on the MBE and his or her combined score. A request for such report shall be accompanied by a report fee of $25.00 (money order, certified check, or cash only).
An applicant may request in writing a certification of the scaled score achieved on the MBE suitable for transfer of the applicant's MBE scaled score to another jurisdiction which accepts transfers of MBE scaled scores. A request for such a certification shall be accompanied by a score certification fee of $25.00 (money order, certified check, or cash only).
R. Gov. Admi. Miss. Bar. 11