Miss. R. Youth Ct. Prac. 31

As amended through March 21, 2024
Rule 31 - Permanency Review Hearings
(a) Time. The court shall conduct permanency review hearings for a child who has been adjudicated abused or neglected, at least annually after each permanency hearing, for as long as the child remains in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Such shall include each case where there has been a termination of parental rights and the child is in the custody of the Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children's Services, until such time as either:
(i) the child is adopted; or
(ii) an appropriate permanency plan is achieved.
(b) Summons.
(1) Persons summoned. When the date of the permanency review hearing has been set by the youth court, and if necessary to fulfill the notice requirements, the judge or the judge's designee shall order the clerk of the youth court to issue a summons to the following to appear personally at such hearing: the child named in the petition; the person or persons who have custody or control of the child; the parent or guardian of the child if such parent or guardian does not have custody of the child, except in no event shall summons issue to the parent(s) whose parental rights have been terminated; the foster parent(s); the residential child agency providing care for the child; and any other person whom the court deems necessary. The clerk does not need to issue summons to:
(i) any person who has already been served with process or who has already appeared in court proceedings in the cause; and
(ii) who has received sufficient notice of the time, date, place and purpose of the permanency review hearing.
(2) Form. The form of the summons shall be pursuant to Rule 22(a)(2) of these rules.
(3) Manner of service. The manner of service shall be pursuant to Rule 22(a)(3) of these rules, except in no event shall summons issue to the parent(s) whose parental rights have been terminated.
(4) Time. Summons shall be served not less than three (3) days before the date set for the permanency review hearing.
(5) Waiver of summons by a party other than the child. Waiver of summons by a party other than the child shall be pursuant to Rule 22(a)(5) of these rules.
(6) Waiver of three (3) days' time before hearing by a child served with process. Waiver of three (3) days' time before the permanency review hearing by a child served with process shall be pursuant to Rule 22(a)(6) of these rules.
(7) Enforcement. Enforcement of the summons shall be pursuant to Rule 22(a)(7) of these rules.
(c) Conduct of hearing. The court shall conduct the permanency review hearing in like manner as required for permanency hearings under Rule 29(c) of these rules. At each such hearing, the court shall determine the adequacy of the child's permanency plan and, as deemed in the best interest of the child, make appropriate modifications thereto.
(d) Findings pertaining to termination of parental rights.
(1) If the permanency plan is termination of parental rights, the court may find that the filing of a termination of parental rights petition is not in the child's best interest if:
(i) the child is being cared for by a relative; and/or
(ii) the Department of Human Services has documented compelling and extraordinary reasons why termination of parental rights would not be in the best interests of the child.
(2) Where the court does not make a finding under Rule 31(d)(1), the Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children's Services may forward a termination of parental rights package to the Mississippi Attorney General's Office for a termination of parental rights petition to be filed pursuant to the "Termination of Rights of Unfit Parents Law" if:
(i) the child is in the legal custody of the Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children's Services; and
(ii) the court ordered permanency plan or concurrent plan is adoption.

Comments & Procedures

Rule 31(a).

This provision comports with the statutory procedures. See Miss. Code Ann. § 43-21-613(3)(a) (2008).

Rule 31(b)(1).

Foster parent(s) and the residential child caring agency providing care for the child are entitled to appear at the permanency hearing. See also Miss. Code Ann. § 43-15-13(11)(providing rights to be extended to foster parents).

Foster parents responsibility to attend certain hearings. Miss. Code Ann.

§ 43-15-13(12)provides in part:

The Department of Human Services shall require the following responsibilities from participating foster parents: . . .

(i) Attending dispositional review hearings and termination of parental rights hearings conducted by a court of competent jurisdiction, or providing their recommendations to the court in writing.

Persons who should always be present at the permanency hearing include:

"judge or judicial officer; age-appropriate children; parents whose rights have not been terminated, including putative fathers; relatives with legal standing or other custodial adults; assigned caseworker; agency attorney; attorney for parents (separate attorney if conflict warrants); legal advocate for the child and/or GAL/CASA; court reporter or suitable technology; and security personnel." NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JUDGES,RESOURCE GUIDELINES:IMPROVING PRACTICE IN CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT CASES 85 (1995). Other persons whose presence may be needed at the permanency hearing include: "extended family members; . . . prospective adoptive parents; judicial case management staff; service providers; adult or juvenile probation or parole officers; other witnesses." Id. These listings should likewise pertain to a permanency review hearing.

Rule 31(c).

This provision comports with the statutory procedures. See Miss. Code Ann. § 43-21-613(3)(a) (2008). Reasonable efforts findings are required until the permanency plan or concurrent plan is achieved.

Key decisions to be determined at review hearing.

Key decisions the court should make at the permanency review hearing include: "whether there is a need for continued placement of a child; whether the court-approved, long-term permanent plan for the child remains the best plan for the child; whether the agency is making reasonable efforts to rehabilitate the family and eliminate the need for placement of a child; whether services set forth in the case plan and the responsibilities of the parties need to be clarified or modified due to the availability of additional information or changed circumstances; whether the child is in an appropriate placement which adequately meets all physical, emotional and educational needs; whether the terms of visitation need to be modified; whether terms of child support need to be set aside or adjusted; whether any additional court orders need to be made to move the case toward successful completion; [and] what time frame should be followed to achieve reunification or other permanent plan for each child." NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JUDGES, RESOURCE GUIDELINES: IMPROVING PRACTICE IN CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT CASES 75 (1995).

Key elements for showing reasonable efforts.

DFCS must show that reasonable efforts have been made to maintain the child within the child's own home when recommending continued foster care. Key elements to this showing include: "a description of the efforts made by the agency to reunify the family since the last disposition or review hearing and an explanation why those efforts were not successful; [and,] an explanation why the child cannot presently be protected from the identified problems in the home even if services areprovided to the child and family." NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JUDGES, RESOURCE GUIDELINES: IMPROVING PRACTICE IN CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT CASES 75 (1995).

Rule 31(d)(1).

This provision comports with the statutory procedures. See Miss. Code Ann. § 43-21-613(3)(b) (2008).

Rule 31(d)(2).

The Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children's Services is required to make reasonable efforts to finalize the adopted permanency plan and concurrent plan for the child. This provision is consistent with federal and state laws. See 42 U.S.C. § 675 (2008); 45 C.F.R. § 1356.21 (2008); Miss. Code Ann. §§ 43-15-13, 93-15-101 to -111 (2008).

Termination of parental rights package.

A termination of parental rights package contains forms and documentation required by the Mississippi Attorney General's Office to proceed with a termination of parental rights action.

Federal Requirements

These rules require compliance with federal laws and regulations which impact funding for cases within the jurisdiction of the youth court. See U.R.Y.C.P. 7. Failure to comply results in the loss of federal monies crucial in achieving the best interests of the child and the interest of justice. Federal laws and regulations applicable to permanency review hearings include:

Many federal laws and regulations applicable to permanency hearings are also applicable to permanency review hearings. See 42 U.S.C. §§ 671(a)(15), -675 (2008); 45 C.F.R. §§ 1355.20, - 1356.21 (2008).

Miss. R. Youth Ct. Prac. 31

The Uniform Rules of Youth Court Practice were revised by order entered 7/17/2012.