Rule 1.06 - [Effective 4/18/2024] ASSIGNMENT OF CASES(A) In multi-chancellor districts and courts, all civil cases shall be assigned immediately on the filing of the complaint by such method which shall insure that the assignment shall be random, that no discernable pattern of assignment exists, and that no person shall know to whom the case will be assigned until it has been assigned.(B) If an attorney or party shall attempt to manipulate or defeat the purpose of this rule, the case shall be reassigned to the chancellor who would have otherwise received the assignment.(C) If the chancellor who would have received the case under an assignment in compliance with this rule cannot be determined, a new assignment in compliance with the rule shall be made, excluding the chancellor to whom it was incorrectly assigned.(D) Sanctions, including costs and attorney's fees, may be imposed by that chancellor on reassignment. Such sanctions may also include suspension from practice in the court imposing them for not more than 30 days and referral to the Bar for further discipline.(E) Decisions regarding this rule shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court under M.R.A.P. 21, and appropriate stays shall be entered by the trial court to allow such review.(F) In districts where motion days are set in advance with chancellors specifically assigned, preliminary procedural matters may be submitted to the chancellor assigned such duties, notwithstanding the fact that the case has been assigned to another chancellor.(G) By local rule approved by the Supreme Court, the trial court may make special provisions accommodating local needs of economy and efficiency which might otherwise be at variance with this rule.Adopted effective 5/29/2003; amended effective 4/18/2024.