Rule 7.4 - Legal Service Information(a) Each lawyer or law firm that advertises his, her or its availability to provide legal services shall have available in written form for delivery to any potential client: (1) A factual statement detailing the background, training and experience of each lawyer or law firm.(2) If the lawyer or law firm claims special expertise in the representation of clients in special matters or publicly limits the lawyer's or law firm's practice to special types of cases or clients, the written information shall set forth the factual details of the lawyer's experience, expertise, background, and training in such matters. Further, any advertisement or written communication shall advise any potential client of the availability of the above information by prominently displaying in all such advertisements and communications the following notice: FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.
(b) Whenever a potential client shall request information regarding a lawyer or law firm for the purpose of making a decision regarding employment of the lawyer or law firm: (1) The lawyer or law firm shall promptly furnish (by mail if requested) the written information described in paragraph (a) of this Rule.(2) The lawyer or law firm may furnish such additional factual information regarding the law firm deemed valuable to assist the client.(c) A copy of all information furnished to clients by reason of this Rule shall be retained by the lawyer or law firm for a period of five years after the last regular use of the information.(d) Any factual statement contained in any advertisement or written communication or any information furnished to a prospective client under this Rule shall not: (1) Be directly or inherently false or misleading;(2) Be potentially false or misleading;(3) Fail to disclose material information necessary to prevent the information supplied from being actually or potentially false or misleading;(4) Be unsubstantiated in fact; or(5) Be unfair or deceptive.(e) Upon reasonable request by The Mississippi Bar, a lawyer shall promptly provide proof that any statement or claim made in any advertisement or written communication, as well as the information furnished to a prospective client as authorized or required by these Rules, is in compliance with paragraph (d) above.(f) A statement and any information furnished to a prospective client, as authorized by paragraph (a) of this Rule, that a lawyer or law firm will represent a client in a particular type of matter, without appropriate qualification, shall be presumed to be misleading if the lawyer reasonably believes that a lawyer or law firm not associated with the originally retained lawyer or law firm will be associated or act as primary counsel in representing the client. In determining whether the statement is misleading in this respect, the history of prior conduct by the lawyer in similar matters may be considered.Miss. R. Prof'l. Cond. 7.4
Adopted effective 6/22/1994; amended 2/11/1999.Comment
Consumers and potential clients have a right to receive factual, objective information from lawyers who are advertising their availability to handle legal matters. The Rule provides that potential clients may request such information and be given an opportunity to review that information without being required to come to a lawyer's office to obtain it. Selection of appropriate counsel is based upon a number of factors. However, selection can be enhanced by potential clients having factual information at their disposal for review and comparison.
[Comment amended February 5, 1999.]