Rule 9 - Videotape DepositionsThe videotaping of a deposition in addition to the preparation of the usual written transcript shall be permitted as provided by court order or stipulation.
(a) The videotape deposition of a witness shall also be taken in the usual manner by a qualified shorthand or machine reporter and a written transcript prepared for use in subsequent court proceedings. (b) The time and place of the taping of the deposition shall be set by notice served in the same manner as for a regular deposition, except it shall state that a videotape deposition is being taken.(c) The videotape operation technician shall certify as to the correctness and completeness of the videotape. (d) At the beginning of the deposition the parties and counsel shall be shown in the visual portion of the deposition. (e) During the deposition the witness shall be recorded in as near to courtroom atmosphere and standards as possible. There will not be any "zoom in" procedures to unduly emphasize any portion of the testimony, but "zoom in" will be allowed for exhibits and charts to make them visible to the jury. The camera shall focus as much as possible on the witness. The attorneys may be shown on introduction, the beginning of examination and during objections. (f) It shall not be necessary for a witness to view and/or approve the videotape of a deposition. (g) Any party may purchase a duplicate original or edited tape from the video operator technician at any time. (h) Objections to the admissibility of any portion of a video deposition shall be made to the party offering such deposition not less than 20 days prior to the status conference and, if the parties cannot agree on the objections, written objections shall be filed with the judge stating the grounds for the objection along with the transcript not less than ten (10) days prior to such conference and the judge shall make a final ruling and the party offering the deposition shall have the objectionable testimony deleted from the tape.