Rule 3 - Court Proceedings(a)Trials shall be set in the following manner after completion of discovery: (1) By agreement of the parties with the approval of the Court Administrator of the assigned chancellor as to the time and place; or (2) Upon Motion for trial setting of a party and properly noticed to other parties. The return date for such motion shall be provided by the Court Administrator of the assigned chancellor upon request; or (3) By the Court after proper notice to all parties. After trial is set, the Court Administrator shall mail notice of the trial date and location to all attorneys of record or unrepresented parties.
(b) Any contested motions shall be set on the assigned Chancellor's regular docket. (c) Judges may schedule pre-trial conferences on their own motion or on the motion of either attorney; however, pre-trials shall be held within forty-five (45) days of trial, and the time and date of conference shall be secured with the Court Administrator.(d)Continuances and Pre-Trial Settlements: When an action has been set for a trial or hearing and before the trial or hearing date it has been settled, or when the parties agree that a continuance is unavoidable, it is the duty of the party who had obtained the setting (or his authorized representative) to promptly notify the Court Administrator.(e)Exhibits: In all contested matters before the Court the attorneys shall check with the court reporter in advance to determine whether pre-marking of exhibits and an exhibit list are required. Attorneys must provide sufficient copies of exhibits so that counsel for all parties, the witness, and the Court can review the exhibits.(f)Courtroom decorum: Conversation in the courtroom shall be kept to an absolute minimum. Any sudden outbursts by anyone, including a party, shall subject that person to removal. Attire in Court shall be appropriate. Hats, shorts, tank tops, tops which bear the midriff, untucked shirts, and other such attire are inappropriate. In the Court's discretion, a person wearing inappropriate attire will not be allowed in the courtroom. Attorneys are responsible for the appearance of their clients and witnesses.
Devices such as telephones and/or pagers must be turned off in the courtroom. Violation will make the devices subject to confiscation. Laptop computers are allowed for counsel but volume must be muted.
Adopted by the Eighth Chancery Court District and approved by the Supreme Court by order entered 5/18/2006.