Rule 23.03 - Violations BureausSubd. 1.Establishment. The district court may implement and operate violations bureaus. The State Court Administrator may implement and operate the Minnesota Court Payment Center.Subd. 2.Fine Schedules.(1) Uniform Statute and Administrative Rule Fine Schedule. The Judicial Council must adopt and, as necessary, revise a uniform fine schedule setting fines for petty misdemeanors and for misdemeanors as it selects. The uniform fine schedule is applicable statewide, and is known as the Statewide Payables List.(2) Ordinance Fine Schedules. Each district court may establish, under a process approved by the Judicial Council, a fine for any ordinance that may be paid in lieu of a court appearance by the defendant.Subd. 3.Fine Payment. A defendant must be advised in writing before paying a fine to a violations bureau that payment constitutes a plea of guilty to the charge and an admission that the defendant understands and waives the right to: a. a court or jury trial;c. be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt;d. confront and cross-examine all witnesses; ande. to remain silent or to testify for the defense.Amended effective 11/1/2014.