Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 145
As amended through October 28, 2024
The sample forms contained in the appendix to these rules satisfy the requirements of the rules.
Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 145
The appendix of forms is intended to guide counsel in the preparation of any application for relief in either of the appellate courts. For consistency of illustration the defending party has been designated as the appellant or petitioner in all forms. Accordingly, appropriate adjustment must be made when the plaintiff or claimant is the party seeking relief in an appellate court. The attorney registration license number of the attorney-preparer of each form is required to permit the computerized tracking of all cases in the appellate courts. While there is no other requirement for strict adherence to the forms, an inclusion of the information contained in them is viewed as a prerequisite to obtaining an informal decision from the appellate court.