Subd.1. Parent or Legal Custodian. Unless the child's parent or legal custodian is the petitioner, or except as provided in subd. 2(b) of this rule, a parent who is a party or a legal custodian shall admit or deny the statutory grounds set forth in the petition or remain silent. If the parent or legal custodian denies the statutory grounds set forth in the petition or remains silent, or if the court refuses to accept an admission, the court shall enter a denial of the petition on the record. Subd. 2. Child.(a)Generally. Except as otherwise provided in this rule, the child shall not admit or deny the petition.(b)Child's Behavior. In matters where the sole allegation is that the child's behavior is the basis for the petition, only the child shall admit or deny the statutory grounds set forth in the petition or remain silent. Subd. 3. Contested Petition. Any party has the right to contest the basis of a petition. The county attorney has the right to contest the basis of a petition filed by an individual who is not a county attorney or an agent of the Commissioner of Human Services.Minn. Juve. Prot. P. 47.01
Amended 9/1/2019; amended effective 1/1/2024.