Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 141.02
As amended through October 28, 2024
In condemnation cases the notice of appeal from the award of the Commissioners shall be deemed the filing of the first document in the case for the purposes of Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 104 and 111.
Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 141.02
Advisory Committee Comment - 1992 Amendment
This rule is derived from 4th Dist. R. 10 and is intended to supplement statutes providing for the appointment of commissioners and the filing of a notice of appeal. See Minnesota Statutes, sections 117.075 and 117.145(1990). Rule 141.02 as amended in 1992 establishes that the appeal from the award of the commissioners, not any earlier proceedings relating to appointment of commissioners or a "quick take" of the property, triggers the scheduling requirements of Rules 104 and 111.