Rule 2.119 - Motion Practice(A) Motion Praecipe Forms. A white form is to be used for a general motion praecipe and a yellow form for a domestic relations motion praecipe.(B) Additional Motion Requirements. (1) Certification by Attorney. The following certificate signed by the attorney of record or the party in propria persona must be placed on the face sheet of each motion filed in the county clerk's office: I hereby certify that I have complied with all provisions of LCR 2.119(B) on motion practice.
Attorney of Record
(2) Ascertaining Opposition; Contents. The moving party must ascertain whether a contemplated motion will be opposed. The motion must affirmatively state that the concurrence of counsel in the relief sought has been requested on a specified date, and that concurrence has been denied or has not been acquiesced in, and hence, that it is necessary to present the motion.(C) [Rescinded April 2, 2003.](D) Motions and Orders to Show Cause in Civil Cases Other Than Domestic Relations Cases. The original motion must be filed with the county clerk, who shall indicate payment of the motion fee on the praecipe. The praecipe, with a copy of the motion or order to show cause and the brief, if any, attached, must be delivered to the judge who is to hear the motion or order to show cause. Any party filing any pleading, brief, or other document relating to a pending motion or order to show cause shall indicate the hearing date and time for oral argument of the motion or order to show cause in the upper right corner of the front page of each document, file the original with the county clerk, and deliver a copy to the judge who is to hear the motion or order to show cause.Mich. L. Ct. R. Cir. Ct. 2.119
Amended effective 10/24/2019; amended effective 1/1/2023.