Rule 1:04 - Judicial Conference(1) The Massachusetts Judicial Conference is hereby constituted to consist of the following: (a) the Chief Justice (who shall serve as chairman of the Conference) and the Associate Justices of this court; (b) the Chief Justice of the Appeals Court; (c) the Chief Administrative Justice of the Trial Court; (d) the Administrative Justice of the Superior Court Department; (e) the Administrative Justice of the Probate and Family Court Department; (f) the Administrative Justice of the Land Court Department; (g) the Administrative Justice of the Housing Court Department; (h) the Administrative Justice of the District Court Department; (i) the Administrative Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Department;(j) the Administrative Justice of the Juvenile Court Department;(k) the Chairman of the Judicial Council;(l) the Trial Court Administrator; and(m) the Administrative Assistant to the Supreme Judicial Court (G.L. c. 211, § 3A ), who shall act as secretary and as the principal administrative officer of the Conference.(2) The judges and officers mentioned in paragraph (1) shall serve as the members of the Conference until further order of this court. Any member may designate another member of the court or body which he represents to act for him at any meeting. (3) The Conference may invite other judges and members of the bar (a) to participate in any one or more projects, studies, meetings, or other activities, or (b) to prepare and present studies, recommendations, and comments upon matters concerning which the Conference desires information. (4) The Conference (a) may consider make recommendations on matters relating to the conduct of judicial business, the improvement of the judicial system, and the administration of justice in such manner as the Conference from time to time may deem appropriate; (b) may initiate and conduct legal research; (c) shall assist this court in coordinating the activities of the several courts; (d) may conduct general conferences and educational meetings; (e) may appoint reporters, advisers, research assistants, and other employees, either for the general work of the Conference or for designated projects and, subject to the availability of necessary funds, may make expenditures, including the payment of the foregoing persons; (f) may employ such facilities of universities, law schools, colleges, bar associations, foundations, and other institutions, as may be made available to it; and (g) may appoint standing or special committees. The Chief Justice of this court may appoint a vice-chairman of the Conference and may delegate to him duties with respect to the Conference. (5) The Conference shall meet at such times as may be designated by the Chief Justice or a majority of the Justices of this court. Mass. R. Sup. Jud. Ct. 1:04