Md. Fam. Law. Actions. 9-102
Cross reference: For provisions governing the authority to grant guardianships or adoptions and the validity of consents, see Code, Family Law Article, §§ 5-338 and 5-339 as to a Public Agency Adoption without Prior TPR; 5-350 and 5-351 as to a Public Agency Adoption after TPR; 5-3A-18 and 5-3A-19 as to a Private Agency Guardianship; 5-3A-35 as to a Private Agency Adoption; and 5-3B-20 and 5-3B-21 as to an Independent Adoption.
Cross reference: See Rule 9-106(c).
Cross reference: See Rule 9-112.
Md. Fam. Law. Actions. 9-102
This Rule is derived in part from former Rule D73 and is in part new.
1999 Orders
The October 5, 1999, order conformed the form of parental consent set out in section (c) to certain statutory requirements and made changes in the form of consent of the person to be adopted in section (d).
2007 Orders
The June 4, 2007, order rewrote section (a); inserted a new section (b); redesignated section (b) as section (c); rewrote section (b); and deleted the forms in sections (c) and (d). Sections (a) and (b) previously read:
"(a) Generally. Except when otherwise permitted by Code, Family Law Article, § 5-312, § 5-313, or § 5-313.1, a judgment of adoption or guardianship may not be entered without the consents prescribed by Code, Family Law Article, § 5-311 or § 5-317(c)(2).
"Cross reference: See Code, Family Law Article, § 5-314 for provisions governing the validity of consents.
"(b) Revocation of Consent.
"(1) Time for Revoking Consent. An individual to be adopted may revoke his or her consent at any time before entry of a judgment of adoption. Any other person or agency executing a required consent to an adoption or guardianship may revoke the consent within 30 days after the consent is signed.
"(2) Procedure for Revoking. An individual may revoke a consent to an adoption or guardianship only by a signed writing actually delivered by mail or in person to the clerk of the circuit court designated in the consent to receive the revocation. An agency entitled to revoke a consent to an adoption may do so (A) by counsel on the record at the hearing required by Rule 9-109or(B) in a writing signed by the executive head of the agency and filed with the court.
"Cross reference: Rule 9-112.
"(3) Action by Court Upon Revocation. If a consent is revoked pursuant to this Rule, the court shall (A) schedule a hearing within three days to determine the status of the petition and temporary custody of the child, (B) determine the immediate custody of the child pending that hearing, and (C) send to all parties and all persons who previously consented to the adoption or guardianship, including the person who revoked the consent, a copy of the revocation, notice of the immediate custody determination, and notice of the scheduled hearing. This subsection does not apply to actions governed by Code, Family Law Article, § 5-312, § 5-313, or § 5-313.1.
"Cross reference: Code, Family Law Article, §§ 5-311 and 5-317.
Maryland Rule of Procedure D73, adopted Sept. 15, 1961, eff. Jan. 1, 1962, amended eff. July 1, 1974; May 31, 1983, eff. July 1, 1983; March 3, 1987, eff. July 1, 1987, related to consents, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
2017 Orders
The June 20, 2017 order, amended the Rule to conform to the renaming of the "Department of Human Resources to the "Department of Human Services.