Md. Crim. Causes. 4-349
After conviction in the District Court or a circuit court, the trial judge may release the defendant pending sentencing or exhaustion of any appellate review subject to any appropriate terms and conditions of release. Title 5 of these rules does not apply to proceedings conducted under this Rule.
Cross reference: For review of lower court action in the Appellate Court regarding a stay of enforcement of judgment after an appeal is filed, see Rule 8-422(c).
On the filing of a notice of appeal in the District Court in a case to be tried de novo, the circuit court, on motion or by consent of the parties, may stay a sentence of imprisonment imposed by the District Court and release the defendant pending trial in the circuit court, subject to any appropriate terms and conditions of release.
Cross reference: For action upon dismissal of a de novo appeal, see Rule 7-112(f)(4).
An order releasing a defendant pending appellate review pursuant to this Rule shall continue until the earliest of the following: (A) the defendant exhausts appellate review by way of appeal, application for leave to appeal, or petition for writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of the United States; (B) the defendant allows the deadline to pass for seeking further appellate review of an adverse disposition; (C) the defendant allows the deadline to pass for filing the statement required by subsection (d)(2) of this Rule, or indicates in such a statement that the defendant does not intend to seek further review; or (D) a court revokes the order of release in accordance with section (e) of this Rule.
Within 30 days after the Supreme Court denies review or issues its opinion affirming the judgment of conviction, a defendant who has been released pending appellate review shall file a statement indicating whether the defendant intends to petition for a writ of certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States and, if so, providing a non-binding statement of the questions that the defendant intends to present for review in the petition. The statement shall be filed with the court that ordered release pursuant to this Rule.
Cross reference: See U.S. S. Ct. Rule 10 for considerations governing review on certiorari, U.S. S. Ct. Rule 13 for the time for petitioning, and U.S. S. Ct. Rule 14.1 for the required contents of a petition for a writ of certiorari.
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-349
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former Rule 776 a and M.D.R. 776 a.
Section (b) is derived from former Rule 776 c and M.D.R. 776 c.
Section (c) is derived from former Rules 776 b and 778 b and M.D.R. 776 b and M.D.R. 778 b.
Sections (d) and (e) are new.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order, in section (b), substituted "Rule 4-216 (e)" for "Rule 4-216 (f)".
2009 Orders
The June 16, 2009, corrected a reference to a section of Rule 4-216.
2012 Orders
The June 11, 2012, order, amended an internal reference to conform to the relettering of Rule 4-216; added a reference to Rule 4-216.1; and made stylistic changes.
2014 Orders
The May 27, 2014 order added internal references to Rule 4-216.2 in (c).
2017 Orders
The February 16, 2017 order, revised internal references.