Md. Crim. Causes. 4-313
Cross reference: See Code, Courts Article, § 8-420(a).
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-313
This Rule is derived from former Rule 753.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order deleted subsec. (a)(4), which previously read:
"(4) Cases Involving Election Law Offenses Punishable by Imprisonment in Penitentiary. In trials for offenses against the provisions of Code, Article 33, or any other law relating to elections or voter registration, each party shall be entitled to twenty peremptory challenges if the offense is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary."
The November 12, 2003, order also deleted the cross reference following subsec. (a)(4); and redesignated former subsec. (a)(5) as subsec. (a)(4).
2007 Orders
The December 4, 2007, order, in subsec. (b)(1) and (b)(3), substituted qualified juror for juror several times.
2015 Orders
The December 7, 2015, order, removed references to the death penalty in subsection (a)(2) and added a cross reference.