Committee note: A subpoena may be used to compel attendance at a court proceeding or deposition that will be held more than 60 days after the date of issuance, provided that the subpoena is served within the 60-day period. The failure to serve a subpoena within the 60-day period does not preclude the reissuance of a new subpoena.
Cross reference: See Code, Courts Article, § 6-410, concerning service upon certain persons other than the custodian of public records named in the subpoena if the custodian is not known and cannot be ascertained after a reasonable effort.
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-266
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former Rule 742 c and M.D.R. 742 b.
Section (b) is derived from former Rule 737 b and M.D.R. 737 b.
Section (c) is derived from former Rule 742 d and M.D.R. 742 c.
Section (d) is derived from former Rule 742 e and M.D.R. 742 d.
2002 Orders
The April 9, 2002, order added the cross reference following section (d).
The October 31, 2002, order, in section (b), in the first sentence deleted "either" following "delivering a copy" and added "or as permitted by Rule 2-121 (a)(3)", formed the second and third sentences from the former second sentence by substituting "18 years of age. A subpoena issued by the District Court may be served by first class mail, postage prepaid" for "18 years of age, and in the District Court", and in the third sentence, deleted ", by mail" from the end.
2012 Orders
The October 4, 2012 order added language to section (c) to expand the categories of persons who may file a motion for a protective order and to make stylistic changes.
2015 Orders
The March 2, 2015, order provided for a uniform subpoena form approved by the State Court Administrator; added a date of issuance and a certain statement to a subpoena form; added a Committee note following section (a); prohibited serving or attempting to serve a subpoena more than 60 days after it was issued; and made stylistic changes.