Md. Crim. Causes. 4-254
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-254
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former M.D.R. 744.
Section (b) is derived from former Rule 744.
2001 Orders
The March 5, 2001, order, in subsecs. (b)(1) and (b)(2), inserted the second sentences, providing that the Circuit Administrative Judge may designate a county to which a case is to be removed.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order rewrote subsecs. (b)(1) and (b)(2), which previously read:
"(1) Capital Cases. When a defendant is charged with an offense for which the maximum penalty is death and either party files a suggestion under oath that the party cannot have a fair and impartial trial in the court in which the action is pending, the court shall order that the action be transferred for trial to another court having jurisdiction. The Circuit Administrative Judge of the court ordering removal shall designate the county to which the case is to be removed. A suggestion by a defendant shall be under the defendant's personal oath. A suggestion filed by the State shall be under the oath of the State's Attorney.
"(2) Non-capital Cases. When a defendant is charged with an offense for which the maximum penalty is not death and either party files a suggestion under oath that the party cannot have a fair and impartial trial in the court in which the action is pending, the court shall order that the action be transferred for trial to another court having jurisdiction only if it is satisfied that the suggestion is true or that there is reasonable ground for it. The Circuit Administrative Judge of the court ordering removal shall designate the county to which the case is to be removed. A party who has obtained one removal may obtain further removal pursuant to this section."
2015 Orders
The December 7, 2015, order, deleted subsection (b)(1), changed the tagline of new subsection (b)(1), deleted a reference to the death penalty in section (b), and made stylistic changes.