Md. Crim. Causes. 4-231
Cross reference: Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 11-303.
A circuit court may conduct an initial appearance under Rule 4-213(c) or a review of the District Court's release determination in accordance with Rule 21-301 and the procedures, standards, and requirements set forth in Rule 21-104 relating to remote electronic participation, provided that (1) the defendant's right to an attorney is not infringed, (2) the defendant's right to a qualified interpreter under Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 1-202 is not infringed, and (3) to the extent required by law and practicable, any victim or victim's representative has been notified of the proceeding and has an opportunity to observe it.
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-231
Sections (a), (b), and (c) of this Rule are derived from former Rule 724 and M.D.R. 724. Sections (d) and (e) are new.
2000 Orders
The May 9, 2000, order amended the cross reference following section (b).
2002 Orders
The October 31, 2002, order, amended the cross reference following section (b).
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, in section (d), substituted "Rule 4-216 (f)" for "Rule 4-216 (g)" in two locations.
2005 Orders
The November 8, 2005, order rewrote section (b), which previously read:
"(b) Right to be Present--Exceptions. A defendant is entitled to be present at a preliminary hearing and every stage of the trial, except (1) at a conference or argument on a question of law; (2) when a nolle prosequi or stet is entered pursuant to Rules 4-247 and 4-248; or (3) at a reduction of sentence pursuant to Rules 4-344 and 4-345."
2012 Orders
The June 11, 2012, order added subsection (d)(1) referencing a defendant's right to counsel under Rule 4-216(e) and Rule 4-216.1(a), and made stylistic changes.
2014 Orders
The May 27, 2014 order corrected internal cross references within the rule and deleted (d)(4) and the last sentence of the Committee note which formerly read:
"(4) if the initial appearance under Rule 4-213 is conducted by video conferencing, the review under Rule 4-216.1(a) shall not be conducted by video conferencing.
"Committee note: Except when specifically covered by this Rule, the matter of presence of the defendant during any stage of the proceeding is left to case law and the Rule is not intended to exhaust all situations. By the addition of section (d) to the Rule, the Committee intends no interference concerning the use of video conferencing in other contexts."
Committee note: Except when specifically covered by this Rule, the matter of presence of the defendant during any stage of the proceedings is left to case law and the Rule is not intended to exhaust all situations.
Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 11-303.