Md. Crim. Causes. 4-213
Cross reference: See Rule 4-213.1 with respect to the right to an attorney at an initial appearance before a judicial officer and Rule 4-216.2(b) with respect to the right to an attorney at a hearing to review a pretrial release decision of a commissioner.
Cross reference: Code, Courts Article, § 10-912. See Rule 4-231(d) concerning the appearance of a defendant by video conferencing.
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-213
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former M.D.R. 723.
Section (b) is new.
Section (c) is derived from former Rule 723 a.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order deleted former subsec. (a)(3); redesignated former subsec. (a)(4) as subsec. (a)(3); added new subsec. (a)(4), related to Rule 4-216; and amended the cross reference following section (a). Prior to amendment, subsec. (a)(3) read:
"(3) Pretrial Release Determination. The judicial officer shall determine the defendant's eligibility for pretrial release pursuant to Rule 4-216."
2012 Orders
The June 12, 2012, order added a cross reference following subsection (a)(2) and added a reference to the applicable provisions of Rule 4-216 and 4-216.1.
2013 Orders
The November 21, 2013, order, added the language "or citation" to subsection (b)(1); added subsection (b)(2) pertaining to preliminary inquiries; and made stylistic changes.
2014 Orders
The May 27, 2014 order added a new (a)(1), and renumbered the remaining subsections under (a); amended the language in the cross reference to (a)(3); and corrected internal references.
2016 Orders
The December 13, 2016, order, added language to subsection (a)(2) referring to a certain type of penalty.
2017 Orders
The February 16, 2017, order, revised internal references.