Md. R. Civ. P. Cir. Ct. 2-652
An attorney who has a lien under Code, Business Occupations and Professions Article, § 10-501, may assert the lien by serving a written notice by certified mail or personal delivery upon the client and upon each person against whom the lien is to be enforced. The notice shall claim the lien, state the attorney's interest in the action, proceeding, settlement, judgment, or award, and inform the client or other person to hold any money payable or property passing to the client relating to the action, proceeding, settlement, judgment, or award.
Cross reference: Code, Business Occupations and Professions Article, § 10-501(d).
If a lien asserted pursuant to this Rule relates to an action that has been filed in a circuit court of this State, on motion filed by the attorney, the attorney's client in the action, or any person who has received a notice pursuant to section (a) of this Rule, the court shall adjudicate the rights of the parties in relation to the lien, including the attorney's entitlement to a lien and the amount of the attorney's claim.
If a lien is asserted pursuant to this Rule and a related action has not been filed in a circuit court of this State, the attorney, the attorney's client, or any person who has received a notice pursuant to section (a) of this Rule may file a complaint with a circuit court to adjudicate the rights of the parties in relation to the lien including the attorney's entitlement to a lien and the amount of the attorney's claim.
Cross reference: For venue of a complaint filed pursuant to this section, see Code, Courts Article, §§ 6-201 - 203.
Md. R. Civ. P. Cir. Ct. 2-652
This Rule is new.
2002 Orders
The October 31, 2002, order, in section (b), in the first sentence, substituted "each person for "any person and, in the second sentence, inserted "settlement, in two locations.
2005 Orders
The February 8, 2005, order, in section (a), substituted "Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct for "Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct; and amended the cross reference following section (a).
2007 Orders
The May 8, 2007, order amended the cross reference following section (c).
2016 Orders
The June 6, 2016, order revised internal references in the Rule.