Cross reference: See Rule 1-203 concerning the computation of time.
Md. R. Civ. P. Cir. Ct. 2-311
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former Rule 321 a.
Section (b) is new.
Section (c) is derived from former Rule 319.
Section (d) is derived from former Rule 321 b.
Section (e) is derived from former Rule 321 d.
Section (f) is new but is derived in part from former Rule 321 d.
2002 Orders
The October 31, 2002, order, in section (b), in the first sentence, substituted "any response for "a response; inserted the cross reference following section (b); and, in section (f), in the first sentence, substituted "request the hearing for "so request and, in the second sentence, substituted "but the court for "but it.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order, in section (d), deleted "or papers on file in the proceeding following "in the record.
2011 Orders
The June 7, 2011, order, inserted a new second sentence in section (f).