Md. R. Jud. & Judi. Appts. 18-306

As amended through April 5, 2024
Rule 18-306 - Request for Opinion
(a)Who May Request. A request for the opinion of the Committee may be made only by:
(1) a State official in the Judicial Branch, as to the proper interpretation of an ethics provision as applied to that State official; or
(2) the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, as to the proper interpretation of an ethics provision.
(b) Form and Content. Each request for an opinion of the Committee shall:
(1) be in writing;
(2) describe the act or activity about which the opinion is requested;
(3) include all documentation or other information necessary for the Committee to perform its function, which may include citation to rules, statutes, and published opinions of the Committee that the requester believes to be relevant to the request; and
(4) include an address to which the Committee shall direct correspondence.

Md. R. Jud. & Judi. Appts. 18-306

This Rule is derived from subsections (j)(1) and (2) of former Rule 16-812.1(2016).

Adopted June 6, 2016, eff. 7/1/2016.