Rule 18-301 - DefinitionsIn this Chapter the following definitions apply, except as otherwise expressly provided or as necessary implication requires:
(a)Committee. "Committee means the Judicial Ethics Committee.(b)Ethics Provision. "Ethics provision means: (1) a provision of Code, General Provisions Article, § 5-501 et seq. or § 5-601 et seq.;(2) as to a judge, also a provision of the Maryland Code of Judicial Conduct; and(3) as to a judicial appointee as defined in Rule 18-200.3, also a provision of the Maryland Code of Conduct for Judicial Appointees.(c)State Official in Judicial Branch. "State official in the Judicial Branch means an individual who is in the Judicial Branch and is a State official, as defined in Code, General Provisions Article, § 5-101(11).Md. R. Jud. & Judi. Appts. 18-301
This Rule is derived from section (a) of former Rule 16-812.1(2016).
Adopted June 6, 2016, eff. 7/1/2016.